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Routine: How to incorporate supplements into your daily life
In a world where a hectic lifestyle often pushes our health goals to the background, dietary supplements can be the secret weapon to ensure that you get all the necessary nutrients. But how can you integrate these little helpers into your daily routine without losing track? Here are some practical tips to help you incorporate supplements effortlessly into your day.

1. Understand your individual needs

Before you start taking supplements, you should understand what your body truly needs. Every person is unique, and what might be beneficial for one person may not necessarily apply to another. Therefore, it’s advisable to consult a doctor or nutritionist to identify which supplements are suitable for you.

Tip: Make a list of your health goals and discuss with an expert which nutrients can help you achieve these goals. This will provide you with clear guidance.

2. Choose the right time

The timing of supplement intake can significantly influence their effectiveness. Did you know that certain vitamins and minerals are better absorbed by the body during specific times of the day or that they may have optimal effects when taken at the right time? Many people take their supplements without much planning, hoping they will work somehow. But this is a missed opportunity: by choosing the right time, you can ensure that your body utilizes the nutrients effectively and you get the maximum benefit from your supplements.

Morning: an energetic start to the day

Morning is the perfect time for taking certain vitamins and minerals that supply you with energy and boost your metabolism. These include B vitamins, like vitamin B12, as well as multivitamins. They can support your body in better processing the nutrients from food and are often available in a form that enhances energy metabolism. Vitamin B12, for example, contributes to normal red blood cell formation and to normal functioning of the nervous system1 — an important factor for starting your day feeling mentally sharp and alert.

Another tip: If you love caffeine, it’s best to take a small break between your coffee and your supplement intake. Caffeine can interfere with the absorption of certain vitamins, like vitamin D. So take your vitamins first, take a moment, and then enjoy your coffee.

With meals: optimize fat-soluble vitamin absorption

Certain vitamins are fat-soluble, meaning they are best absorbed when taken with a meal that contains some fat. These include vitamins A, D, E, and K. If you take these supplements, make sure to consume them with a source of healthy fats, such as avocado, some nuts, or a tablespoon of olive oil. The fat in food helps your body transport the fat-soluble vitamins into the bloodstream, improving absorption.

Especially vitamin D is more effective when taken with a fatty meal2. Even a small amount — like a piece of cheese or a teaspoon of coconut oil — can significantly increase absorption.
Another benefit of taking fat-soluble vitamins with meals is that it can improve stomach tolerance. Some people experience mild nausea when taking fat-soluble vitamins on an empty stomach. A small meal eliminates this problem and makes your supplement routine more pleasant.

Evening: magnesium for a relaxed night’s sleep

Magnesium is a game changer when it comes to relaxation and regeneration. It’s known for relaxing muscles, calming the nervous system and promoting deeper, more restful sleep. Therefore, the evening is the best time to take magnesium. Include it in your evening routine to prepare optimally for sleep.
An evening magnesium drink or a tablet about 30 minutes before bed can make a big difference. Combine it with a small relaxation exercise, such as deep breathing or a short meditation, and notice how you fall asleep faster and your sleep becomes deeper and more refreshing. This makes the next day all the more energized.

3. Establish a routine

A set routine can help you remember to take your supplements. Link the intake to existing habits to make your daily life easier. It’s no secret that people who take their supplements regularly benefit more from their positive effects, as consistency is key to success. And you can achieve this with a well-thought-out routine.

Our brain loves routines because they save energy and help us perform tasks automatically. By integrating your supplement intake into existing habits, you can ensure it becomes as natural as brushing your teeth or drinking your morning coffee. Here are some ideas to help you:

Tip 1: with your breakfast

Place your supplements next to the coffee machine or cereal bowl. When you make your coffee, you’ll automatically think of taking your supplements as well. Consider setting up your breakfast table accordingly: a small bowl or a designated spot on the table can serve as a reminder. This way, whenever you have breakfast, you’ll be reminded to take your supplements.

Tip 2: after brushing your teeth

Place your supplements in plain sight in the bathroom. After brushing your teeth is the perfect moment to think about your intake.
This habit is particularly effective because brushing teeth is a fixed habit for most people — whether in the morning or evening. You could place the supplements in an attractive container on the sink or store them in a box in the bathroom cabinet, so they’re immediately accessible.

Tip 3: before going to bed

Use the relaxing minutes before bedtime to remember your evening supplements. A little relaxation can help you end the day pleasantly. Perhaps you already have an evening routine established, such as reading a book, meditating, or watching a show. Why not integrate your supplement intake here?

A conscious evening routine can help you unwind and relax. Place the supplements on your nightstand or in a visible spot where you’ll see them before bed. Combine them with a glass of water or a calming tea to enjoy the moment even more consciously.

Additional tip: utilize anchor points in your day

What if your morning routine gets chaotic or you skip breakfast? This is where “anchor points” come into play. An anchor point is an activity you do every day without exception, like getting dressed, checking your emails at work, or even locking the door.

Choose an anchor point that is guaranteed for you and set your supplement intake for that moment. For example: When you sit at your desk to start your day, it could be the time to take your vitamin D drops. Or, when you leave the house, remind yourself to pack your Omega-3 capsules. This method helps you maintain the routine, even on hectic days.

4. Using reminders

In a busy daily routine, it’s easy to forget to take your supplements. Luckily, there are numerous digital and analog tools available today to help you keep track. It’s important to find a method that best suits your personal preferences. Here are some options you might consider:

Set an alarm: the classic reminder

A simple alarm on your smartphone can work wonders! You can set alarms for different times of the day to match your routine. It’s particularly useful to set multiple reminders if you have supplements that need to be taken at different times throughout the day. Using specific alarms, like a “vitamin D alarm” in the morning or a “magnesium reminder” in the evening, helps you associate the supplement’s name directly with the alert tone.

Smartphone apps: your smart helper for everyday life

Use apps that remind you to take your supplements. There are many practical tools that can help you stay on top of things.
Some apps even offer additional features like tracking your health data, maintaining intake logs, or integrating supplements into your daily to-do list. You can set up schedules for each supplement and receive notifications when it’s time to take them. Some apps also sync with your smartwatch, giving you a convenient reminder right on your wrist.

Notes and post-its: the analog alternative

Are you more of a visual type? Then handwritten notes or post-its might be perfect for you. Write down small reminders and place them in spots you see every day, such as the bathroom mirror, refrigerator, or computer screen. These visual cues can be particularly effective since they catch your attention whenever you enter the room or go through your daily routine. Use bright colors and eye-catching fonts to draw your attention to the notes. Another benefit is that you can get creative with the notes or even add little drawings to make the reminders more pleasant and memorable.

5. Organization is key

Good organization is crucial to ensure you take your supplements regularly. Once you lose track, it’s easy to fall out of your routine.

Pill organizer: a must-have for supplement fans

A pill organizer is a great way to portion out your daily doses of vitamins and minerals perfectly. These small boxes are usually divided into compartments, so you can sort your supplements for the entire week in advance. There are even organizers with multiple compartments per day if you take supplements at different times of the day. This eliminates the need to open the packaging constantly and lets you easily track whether you’ve taken all your needed doses. It not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of accidentally missing or doubling up on a dose.

Tip: Choose a fixed day each week, like Sunday, to refill your organizer. That way, you start the new week well-prepared and know that everything is set.

6. Combine with other wellness practices

Taking supplements isn’t just about the “when” and “how” but also about the “with what.” A sensible combination with other wellness practices can boost their effectiveness and make the routine more enjoyable and effective. By incorporating supplements into different health rituals, you can enhance their impact and build a more holistic health strategy.
For example, take protein shakes during workouts — not only does it make intake easier but also more effective. Or you could take your Omega-3 supplements during a short meditation session to support mental clarity.

7. Listen to your body

Pay attention to how your body responds to the supplements. Every body reacts differently to dietary supplements, so it’s essential to observe the signals your body sends and see how you feel after taking them.

Keep a journal: a closer look at your wellbeing

An effective way to observe how your body reacts to different supplements is to keep a journal. Note down when and how much of a supplement you’ve taken and what changes you observe in the coming days. Record not just obvious things like energy levels or sleep quality, but also more subtle signals like changes in your mood or digestive system. This provides you with valuable insights into whether a supplement is working for you at its current dosage or if adjustments are necessary. It’s also a great opportunity to identify patterns — like noticing clearer skin or increased alertness after taking Vitamin C.

Sometimes a supplement may not have the desired effect or may cause side effects. In such cases, don’t hesitate to adjust the dosage after consulting a doctor or nutritionist. For example, too much magnesium may cause stomach issues for some people. In such cases, it might help to lower the dose or switch to a different form, like a spray or powder. Make these adjustments gradually and continue to observe how your body responds. This way, you’ll find the optimal amount for your individual needs.

8. Be patient

Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to the effects of dietary supplements. While some supplements can show results relatively quickly, others may take weeks or even months to reach their full potential.

Tip: Persistence is the key to success! Set realistic expectations — supplements are a support, not a miracle cure. They help supply your body with essential nutrients, but they can’t replace a healthy diet or an active lifestyle.

Set realistic expectations

Consistent intake will pay off in the long run. Changes in your body and health take time to become noticeable. Keep this in mind whenever you feel like nothing is happening.

Additional tips for integrating supplements into your daily routine

Here are some extra strategies that can help make taking supplements even easier and more effective:

Pay attention to your diet

Proper nutrition plays a critical role in the effectiveness of supplements. If you get your nutrients through a balanced diet, the need for supplements may be reduced. Make sure to regularly include fresh fruits and vegetables, high-quality proteins, and healthy fats in your meals. These foods provide many essential nutrients that can support the effect of your supplements.

Drink enough water

Always take your supplements with plenty of fluids. Don’t forget to drink enough water while taking your dietary supplements. Many supplements require sufficient fluid intake to work optimally. Keeping a water bottle within reach can help you stay well-hydrated.

Set realistic goals

Integrating supplements shouldn’t be seen as an additional stress factor in your life. As we previously said, set realistic goals for what you want to achieve and how many supplements you’re willing to take. This will help you stay on track without feeling overwhelmed. Start with just one or two products and gradually expand your routine.

Try different forms

Supplements come in various forms: tablets, capsules, powders, gels, and even liquids. Find out which form is most comfortable for you. Some people find it easier to mix powders into their smoothies, while others prefer taking capsules.


Integrating dietary supplements into your daily routine doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful. With a few clever strategies and a bit of organization, you can make supplement intake as easy as brushing your teeth in the morning. Your body will thank you with more energy, better recovery, and an overall enhanced sense of wellbeing.

So, set your alarms and grab that pill organizer! With the right plan and a little bit of humor, supplementing your diet can even be fun. Don’t expect overnight miracles, but look forward to the positive changes that will show over time. And remember: A healthy lifestyle isn’t only about supplements — but they can be a great companion on your journey.

Ready to get started? Your supplements are already waiting in the wings!


1 European Commisson (2024): Health Claims. Food and Feed Information Portal Database. https://ec.europa.eu/food/food-feed-portal/screen/health-claims/eu-register

2 Office of Dietary Supplements (2022): Vitamin D Fact Sheet for Consumers. National Institutes of Health. https://ods.od.nih.gov/pdf/factsheets/VitaminD-Consumer.pdf

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