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The basics of an alkaline diet

What is alkaline nutrition?

Alkaline nutrition focuses on consuming predominantly alkaline-forming foods. Fundamentally, foods are categorized as acid-forming or alkaline-forming, influencing the body's acid-base balance. The more alkaline the body's pH, the better it is for metabolism and health. Our bodies are naturally inclined to metabolize alkaline foods efficiently. Unfortunately, modern diets often disrupt alkaline nutrition plans due to processed foods, fast food, and sugary items, which are highly acid-forming.

The goal of an alkaline diet

In today's lifestyle of stress, time constraints, and high expectations, healthy eating often takes a back seat. Many turn to fast food and convenience foods, which can lead to bodily and systemic acidification over time. Alkaline nutrition requires a complete shift in eating habits to restore a balanced acid-base equilibrium and prevent long-term acidification.

Acidic and alkaline foods

All foods are categorized as either acid-forming or alkaline-forming. An alkaline diet emphasizes plant-based foods rich in fiber, nutrients, and minerals, essential for optimal bodily function. The rule of thumb for alkaline nutrition: the fresher and less processed the food, the better, while foods with longer ingredient lists tend to be more acid-forming. It's worth noting that not all foods with a sour taste are acid-forming; for example, despite its tart flavor, lemon is metabolized in a way that supports alkalinity.

Dos and don'ts of an alkaline diet

Minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium are responsible for making a food alkaline. Acidic foods metabolize as acidic and contain few minerals. Therefore, your diet should mainly consist of fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, potatoes, nuts, seeds, sprouts, and greens. Highly processed foods such as fast food, ready-made meals, sweets, pasta, rice, coffee, alcohol, and all animal products should play only a minor role in alkaline nutrition. Opting for alkaline nutrition means embracing fresh cooking because it gives you full control over having predominantly vegetables and salads on your plate.

And what about dairy products?

All dairy products (milk, cheese and yogurt) are acid-forming and should be minimized in alkaline nutrition. It's better to choose plant-based alternatives like soy yogurt, oat, almond, or soy milk. Especially at breakfast, combined with berries and a small portion of oatmeal, you can make a significant alkaline difference.

Causes of acidification

The human body has buffering or acid-neutralizing systems that neutralize and eliminate these acids. Organs like the liver, kidneys, skin, and lungs rely on sufficient minerals to neutralize acids. If unhealthy eating habits lead to a prolonged high acid load and insufficient nutrients, these organs become overburdened and can't perform their tasks properly, potentially impacting long-term health and well-being. Often, nonspecific symptoms like fatigue, digestive disturbances, gastrointestinal problems, skin issues, or mood swings are not immediately linked to acidification.

Other acid promoters

Body acidification isn't solely caused by unbalanced nutrition. Other factors can exacerbate acid-base imbalance, such as medications like antihypertensives or anti-inflammatory drugs. Paradoxically, these drugs are often taken to treat conditions exacerbated by acidification. However, acid status in the body is rarely assessed in such cases.

How does alkaline nutrition work?

Alkaline nutrition operates on simple principles. The more challenging part is typically transitioning from habitual eating behaviors to alkaline foods. Fundamentally, alkaline nutrition emphasizes whole, plant-based foods — ideally with minimal or, optimally, no animal products. Successfully adopting alkaline nutrition can lead to significant positive changes in body, organism, and metabolism.

PRAL value of foods

The PRAL value determines whether a food is acidic or alkaline and how it metabolizes in the body. PRAL stands for "potential renal acid load" and indicates the potential acid load per 100g of food, affecting kidney function. In essence, the more negative a food's PRAL value, the more alkaline it is. Foods with a positive value metabolize as acidic in the body. The PRAL value is an average that can vary naturally. Not every food of the same type is identical — depending on variety, freshness, or preparation, the value can fluctuate. Nonetheless, especially for beginners in alkaline nutrition, the PRAL value is a useful guideline.

The 80-20 rule

Adopting alkaline nutrition doesn't mean completely avoiding acid-forming foods. In fact, some acid-forming foods, like whole grains and nuts, can be beneficial when consumed in moderation. The key is striking the right balance — a recommended ratio is 80% alkaline-forming foods and 20% acid-forming foods — to achieve a long-term alkaline surplus in the body.

5 Steps to alkaline nutrition

Hydration: Adequate fluid intake is essential for optimal metabolism. Water, possibly enriched with lemon juice or herbs, or unsweetened teas, are best. Depending on climate and physical activity levels, aim for 2 to 3 liters daily.

Green and root vegetables: Salads, spinach, cucumbers, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts—half of every meal should consist of vegetables, prepared in any form: steamed, cooked, or raw—all are permitted. Their essential and secondary plant substances are highly valuable in terms of alkalinity.

Fruits and dried fruits: They have a strong alkaline value and are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, crucial for overall body health.

Whole grains: While most grains metabolize as acidic, whole grain products can still be safely integrated into your diet — though in moderation. Their advantage lies in being full-bodied, plant-based sources packed with nutrients and minerals.

Minimize processed and animal products: Both processed and animal-based products are highly acid-forming and should be avoided as much as possible. They not only promote acidity but also contain many unsaturated fatty acids that can trigger silent inflammations in the body.

Alkaline powders & co.

Alkaline powders and capsules often trend during fasting periods, especially in spring. Pharmacies and drugstores offer a wide range of alkaline products. But do they influence or even replace alkaline nutrition? It would be too simple and ideal if they did. Alkaline powders can indeed support alkaline nutrition but cannot replace it. They are particularly useful during the transition to alkaline nutrition to replenish nutrient stores quickly with minerals like potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium. Opt for products that are free from fillers for quality assurance.

Can alkaline nutrition aid weight loss?

Alkaline nutrition isn't a traditional diet, yet many adopt it to shed a few pounds. It often succeeds because avoiding unhealthy, processed foods and opting for a diverse, healthy, nutrient-rich diet almost automatically leads to weight loss.

Preventing diseases with alkaline nutrition

Many acidic metabolic wastes stem from excessive fast food, processed products, additives, and animal-based foods. Simultaneously, fresh ingredients are often under-consumed, increasing overall acidity. Modern diets typically harm rather than benefit our bodies and health. An over-acidified body is suspected of contributing to numerous chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, or cholesterol. Alkaline nutrition's high nutrient density strengthens the body and balances metabolism, promoting overall health and well-being.

Alkaline diet – yes or no?

An alkaline diet offers substantial benefits for metabolism, organism, and health. While switching to an alkaline diet can be challenging, it's definitely worth it because it provides the body with more nutrients and vital substances. With a few basic rules and some know-how, changing dietary habits can be made easier. Nevertheless, patience is key as acid-base balance doesn't adjust overnight. Improved vitality, clearer skin, and better digestion are noticeable effects of the switch, experienced quite quickly. For those seeking to ensure nutrient intake, consider supplementing your daily diet with a high-quality alkaline powder.
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A balanced acid-base ratio in the body is the foundation for a healthy life. Unfortunately, there are many factors that can disrupt this balance - an unbalanced diet, stress, an unhealthy lifestyle and environmental pollution. NN Base Powder rebalances the acid-base ratio in the body - for greater well-being and vitality.
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