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9 tips for a strong immune system – stay strong like a superhero during the cold season
Hey, you! Yes, you, the one wrapped up in a scarf as soon as the temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius. Winter is coming, and with it come not only cozy sweaters and hot chocolate but also colds, coughs, runny noses, and sometimes that awful feeling that your body has decided to take a vacation – but unfortunately without you. But don't worry! With a few small tricks, you can boost your immune system as if you had superpowers. In this blog post, we'll show you how to awaken your inner defenses to get through the cold season without every sneeze being a threat.

Your immune system – your body’s own superhero team

Before we begin, let’s take a look at what we’re talking about: your immune system. Imagine your immune system as a well-trained special unit – always ready to quickly react, identify intruders, defend your body, and protect you from all the nasty viruses and bacteria out there. T-cells, B-cells, macrophages – these are the heroes patrolling your bloodstream, neutralizing intruders before they can settle in. But just like every superhero, your immune system needs a little support from time to time to stay in top form. Especially in winter, when the enemies get stronger and outnumber you (yes, we mean cold and flu viruses). So get ready – here are the best strategies to get your immune system fit for the cold season.

1. Sleep is your secret weapon

What do Batman, Spiderman, and you have in common? None of you are superheroes when you lack sleep. Sleep is absolutely crucial when it comes to strengthening your immune system. As you snuggle into bed and process your day’s events in your dreams, your body works at full speed. During sleep, your body produces cytokines – proteins that regulate inflammation and ensure that your immune system responds to attacks. With too little sleep, the production of these defense proteins drops, making you more susceptible to infections. Additionally, your body regenerates during sleep, repairing tissues and strengthening your immune system for the next day.

Tip: Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. And no, the series can wait – your immune system can’t.

2. Exercise – your power training for the immune system

Think of your immune system like a muscle – the more you train it, the stronger it becomes. But don't worry, you don't have to rush to the gym and lift weights. Regular, moderate exercise is more than enough to boost your immune system. Exercise improves circulation, allowing immune cells to move through the body more quickly to fight intruders. Just half an hour of walking or light jogging per day can help strengthen your defenses. But be careful: overly intense exercise can weaken your immune system, so don’t overdo it!

Tip: Whether it's walking, yoga, or a bike ride – the key is regular movement outdoors. It not only gets your circulation going but also does wonders for your soul.

3. Vitamin C – your personal shield against colds

Ah, good old vitamin C! Everyone knows it’s the classic go-to for boosting the immune system. But what’s behind it? Vitamin C supports the production of white blood cells, the "foot soldiers" of your immune system. These cells attack and destroy pathogens before they can spread. And the best part: vitamin C is easy to incorporate into your daily life. You’ll find it in oranges, lemons, kiwis, bell peppers, broccoli and many other foods. So next time you reach for a snack, grab an orange – you’ll be on the safe side.

Tip: A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning or a crunchy bell pepper snack in between can work wonders.

Recommendation: NN Ester C Plus

Ester C

When your immune system is particularly challenged, like during the cold season or stressful times, NN Ester C Plus can be a valuable support. This stomach-friendly form of vitamin C ensures that your body is quickly and effectively supplied with this essential nutrient. Its special combination of different vitamin C forms promotes optimal absorption and prolonged effects – ideal for boosting your defenses and keeping your energy levels high. Perfect for times when your body needs extra support.

4. Zinc – the forgotten superhero

While vitamin C takes center stage, zinc often gets overlooked. But zinc is incredibly important for a strong immune system. It supports the function of immune cells and promotes tissue healing. You can find zinc in foods like meat, legumes, nuts, and seeds. For vegetarians and vegans, pumpkin seeds and lentils are particularly good sources of zinc.

Tip: A delicious breakfast muesli with nuts and seeds not only gives you energy but also a good dose of zinc.

Recommendation: NN Zinc

Tipp: Egal ob Spaziergänge, Yoga oder eine Runde Fahrradfahren – Hauptsache, du bewegst dich regelmäßig an der frischen Luft. Das bringt nicht nur den Kreislauf in Schwung, sondern tut auch deiner Seele gut.

3. Vitamin C – Dein persönliches Schild gegen Erkältungen

Ah, das gute alte Vitamin C! Jeder weiß, dass es der Klassiker ist, wenn es um die Unterstützung des Immunsystems geht. Aber was steckt dahinter? Vitamin C unterstützt die Produktion von weißen Blutkörperchen, die die "Fußsoldaten" deines Immunsystems sind. Diese Zellen greifen Krankheitserreger direkt an und vernichten sie, bevor sie sich ausbreiten können.
Und das Beste: Vitamin C ist sehr leicht in deinen Alltag zu integrieren. Du findest es in Orangen, Zitronen, Kiwis, Paprika, Brokkoli und vielen anderen Lebensmitteln. Wenn du also das nächste Mal nach einem Snack greifst, wähle doch einfach eine Orange – damit bist du auf der sicheren Seite.

Tipp: Ein Glas frisch gepresster Orangensaft am Morgen oder ein knackiger Paprika-Snack zwischendurch können Wunder wirken.

Und falls es dir schwerfällt, tagtäglich auf deinen Vitamin C Vorrat aufzufüllen, haben wir ein tolles Präparat.

Empfehlung: NN Ester C Plus

NN Ester C plus + gratis Vitamin D3 2500

Wenn dein Immunsystem besonders gefordert ist, wie in der kalten Jahreszeit oder bei stressigen Phasen, kann NN Ester C Plus eine wertvolle Unterstützung bieten. Mit einer magenschonenden Form von Vitamin C sorgt dieses Produkt dafür, dass dein Körper schnell und effektiv mit dem wichtigen Nährstoff versorgt wird. Die besondere Zusammensetzung aus verschiedenen Vitamin-C-Formen fördert eine optimale Aufnahme und verlängerte Wirkung – ideal, um deine Abwehrkräfte zu unterstützen und dein Energieniveau hochzuhalten. Perfekt für Zeiten, in denen dein Körper ein Extraportion Hilfe braucht. 

Tipp: Derzeit gibt es bei uns im Shop sogar das Vitamin D3 2500 I.E. gratis dazu, damit bist du zweifach abgesichert.

4. Zink – Der vergessene Superheld

Während Vitamin C im Rampenlicht steht, wird Zink oft übersehen. Dabei ist Zink unglaublich wichtig für ein starkes Immunsystem. Es unterstützt die Funktion der Immunzellen und fördert die Heilung von Gewebe.
Du findest Zink in Lebensmitteln wie Fleisch, Hülsenfrüchten, Nüssen und Samen. Für Vegetarier und Veganer sind besonders Kürbiskerne und Linsen gute Zinkquellen.

Tipp: Ein leckeres Müsli mit Nüssen und Samen am Morgen liefert dir nicht nur Energie, sondern auch eine gute Portion Zink.

Empfehlung: NN Zink

NN Zink
When it comes to supporting your immune defenses, NN Zinc is the perfect partner for your well-being. This essential trace element plays a crucial role in over 300 biochemical processes in your body, and its deficiency can manifest in various ways – from hair loss to loss of appetite to slower wound healing. It’s especially important to ensure adequate zinc intake if you're vegetarian or vegan, or in life phases with increased needs like pregnancy or aging. NN Zinc is highly bioavailable as it's bound to an amino acid, making it easier for your body to absorb. Combined with vitamin C, it provides targeted support for your immune system, helping to keep your defenses strong, even in the cold season. Perfect for anyone who wants to ensure they are well-supplied.

5. Drink water – but with style

No, you don’t need to stock up on water, but staying hydrated is crucial for a strong immune system. In winter, we tend to drink less because we don’t sweat as much. But beware: your body still needs fluids in the cold season to flush out toxins and keep your immune system running optimally. Water is, of course, the best choice, but herbal teas (for example, with ginger, which has anti-inflammatory properties) and hot lemon are great alternatives.

Tip: Start your day with a glass of lukewarm water with a squeeze of lemon. It not only kick-starts your metabolism but also gives you an extra dose of vitamin C.

6. Laughter – the best medicine against illness

Yes, you read that right! Laughter is actually good for your immune system. When you laugh, happiness hormones (endorphins) are released, which not only lift your mood but also lower the stress hormone cortisol. And less stress means your immune system can work more effectively. Studies have even shown that people who laugh regularly have a higher number of natural killer cells in their bodies1 – these cells directly fight disease-causing pathogens. So, grab a funny movie or meet up with friends who make you laugh.

Tip: How about a round of “Monty Python” or another comedy show?

7. Fresh air – your booster for body and mind

We know, in winter, you just want to stay in bed and watch Netflix, but fresh air is incredibly important for your immune system. Even if it’s cold, a walk in the fresh air boosts oxygen intake and improves circulation. This helps your immune system work better and strengthens your defenses. Plus, it’s good for your mental health to get outside and enjoy the sunlight – even if it’s just a small dose of vitamin D. And speaking of vitamin D…

8. Vitamin D – the winter superhero

During the cold season, our bodies often get too little sunlight, which hampers vitamin D production. However, vitamin D plays a key role in the immune system, as it promotes immune cell activity and reduces inflammation in the body. Since it’s harder to get enough sunlight in winter – especially in our latitudes – you can also get vitamin D from supplements or foods like fatty fish (salmon, mackerel) and eggs.

Tip: Consider taking a vitamin D supplement in winter – especially if you don’t get much sunlight.

Recommendation: NN Vitamin D3 2500 I.U.

Vitamin D3 2500
NN Vitamin D3 2500 IU is a high-dose supplement that helps ensure you’re optimally supplied throughout the winter. The practical drop form allows for precise and easy daily dosing, so you can ensure your body gets the sunshine vitamin it needs. Keep your immune system strong – even when the sun isn’t shining.

And as mentioned above, our popular NN Vitamin D3 2500 I.U. is currently free with every NN Ester C Plus.

9. The power of probiotics – good for your gut, good for your immune system

Did you know that a large part of your immune system resides in your gut? That’s exactly why a healthy gut flora is so important. Probiotics – these are "good" bacteria found in foods like yogurt, kefir, or sauerkraut – can help promote the balance of gut bacteria and thus strengthen your immune system.

Your immune system as an invisible shield

The cold season is a challenge for your immune system, but you’re up to the challenge! With enough sleep, exercise, a balanced diet, and a positive attitude, you can strengthen your immune system so that even the nastiest viruses don’t stand a chance. So, put on your superhero suit (or just a weatherproof jacket), eat some oranges, and head outside for some fresh air. Your immune system will thank you – and colds won’t stand a chance.


1 Mary P Bennett, Janice M Zeller, Lisa Rosenberg, Judith McCann (2003): The effect of mirthful laughter on stress and natural killer cell activity. Altern Ther Health Med. Mar-Apr;9(2):38-45. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12652882/)

product recommendations :
NN Ester C plus
We learn this as children: Vitamin C is good for us and important for staying healthy, especially during the winter. In fact, in addition to its function for the immune system, vitamin C is very important for the body's energy levels and performance all year round. NN Ester C plus combines a variety of different forms of vitamin C for maximum absorption capacity.
to product
NN zinc
On average, our body needs between 7 and 16 mg of zinc per day. Although this is a very small amount, it is involved in over 300 biochemical processes in the body - a deficiency can therefore manifest itself in many different ways. Older people, pregnant women and vegetarians should therefore keep a close eye on their daily zinc intake.
to product
NN Vitamin D3 2500 I.U.
In the summer it is easy to get enough sun outside, but in the winter months it is difficult to absorb enough vitamin D. Especially in Central European latitudes vitamin D deficiency in adults is widespread. NN Vitamin D3 provides the body with a daily dose of sunshine - even when it is gray and dreary outside.
to product
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