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Coughing and other respiratory issues in horses: how to naturally support your horse’s airways
The fear of receiving a diagnosis of "heaves" is a major concern for many horse owners. This chronic respiratory disease, often accompanied by symptoms like coughing and shortness of breath, can significantly reduce a horse’s quality of life. But it’s not just heaves — other respiratory issues, such as bronchitis or recurring coughs, are also common in horses, particularly during the colder months or when there is poor air circulation in the stable. So, what can you do to keep your horse’s airways healthy and well-supported? And which natural remedies are particularly effective? In this post, you’ll learn how respiratory diseases develop in horses and how you can effectively support your horse’s airways.

Respiratory diseases: an overview of causes and risk factors

Horses have particularly sensitive respiratory systems. A horse’s lungs are highly efficient, able to process large amounts of air during movement. However, this same capability also makes the airways prone to irritation and inflammation. Horses that spend a lot of time in stables or are regularly exposed to hay dust have an increased risk of developing respiratory problems.

Environmental causes

Dust and allergens in stables
Most horses spend the majority of their lives in stables. While this is often necessary, it means they are constantly exposed to dust and other irritants such as ammonia, mold spores, and bacteria. Hay in particular can contain large amounts of dust, which irritates the respiratory system’s mucous membranes. In winter, when windows are often closed and air circulation is poor, the burden on the airways increases significantly.

Hay and mold spores
Hay is a common trigger for respiratory problems. Not only dust, but also mold spores that grow in poorly stored or damp hay, can be a risk. These tiny particles can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause inflammation. This is especially problematic for horses that are prone to allergies or chronic respiratory diseases.

Dry air in winter
During the colder months, many horses are kept in stables to protect them from wind and weather. However, the dry air and lack of ventilation can dry out the respiratory passages, making them more susceptible to infections.

Genetic and individual risk factors

In addition to environmental factors, there are also individual risk factors that contribute to the development of respiratory diseases.

Just like humans, horses can suffer from allergies. An allergic reaction to dust, mold, or pollen can lead to chronic respiratory problems. These horses are more sensitive to irritants and develop symptoms such as coughing, nasal discharge or shortness of breath more quickly.

Age of the horse
Older horses have an increased risk of developing respiratory diseases. As horses age, the elasticity of their lungs decreases and their immune systems weaken. This can cause older horses to suffer from chronic respiratory issues like heaves (recurrent airway obstruction, RAO) more frequently.

Breed and predisposition
Some horse breeds seem to be more prone to respiratory diseases. Warmbloods and Thoroughbreds tend to be more sensitive to dust and allergens. The way a horse is kept and used also plays a role: sport horses that undergo intense training are at a higher risk of developing respiratory issues due to the physical strain.

The most common symptoms: when should you act?

It’s important to act at the first signs of respiratory disease. Respiratory issues often develop gradually and what begins as a mild cough can quickly escalate into a more serious condition like bronchitis or even chronic respiratory problems.

Early signs of respiratory diseases

Dry or productive cough
An occasional cough can be normal, but repeated coughing, particularly during or after work, should be taken as a warning sign. A dry cough often indicates irritated mucous membranes, while a productive cough suggests the presence of mucus and possibly an infection.

Nasal discharge
Clear, watery nasal discharge can be a sign of allergic reactions or respiratory irritation. If the nasal discharge becomes thick and turns yellow or green, this could indicate a bacterial infection.

Heavy breathing and increased respiratory rate
A horse with respiratory problems often has an increased breathing rate and difficulty breathing, particularly after physical exertion. In severe cases, the horse may have trouble breathing even at rest or develop noticeable shortness of breath.

Chronic respiratory diseases

Untreated respiratory issues can lead to chronic diseases that severely impact the horse’s quality of life.

Heaves (RAO)

Heaves, also known as chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB) or recurrent airway obstruction (RAO), is one of the most common chronic respiratory diseases in horses. It is similar to asthma in humans and often occurs in older horses that have been exposed to dust and allergens for long periods of time. Horses with RAO often have a chronic cough and difficulty breathing, particularly during exercise.

Chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis often develops from untreated acute respiratory infections. It leads to persistent inflammation of the bronchi and can permanently reduce the horse’s performance. Common symptoms include a persistent cough and increased mucus production.

Prevention and support: what can you do?

The good news is that respiratory diseases can often be prevented or mitigated with proper care and management. In addition to an optimal stable environment, there are several ways to naturally support your horse’s respiratory health.

Optimal stable management

  • Good ventilation
    Proper ventilation in the stable is essential to reduce the burden of dust and allergens. Regular airing and good air circulation help prevent harmful particles from accumulating in the air. Particularly in winter, when windows are often closed, ensure that fresh air can enter the stable without creating drafts.

  • Dust-free bedding and hay
    Use low-dust bedding like wood shavings or dust-free straw to reduce the strain on the respiratory system. Hay should either be steamed or soaked to remove dust and mold spores. There are special hay steamers that heat hay to a safe temperature, effectively killing potentially harmful microorganisms – in this case, the hay remains stable for about 24 hours. Leftover wet (soaked) hay should be discarded after 6 hours at the latest, preferably after just 3 hours, as harmful bacteria can multiply again, posing a health risk to the horse.

  • Regular exercise
    Horses that are exercised regularly tend to have fewer respiratory problems, as moderate exercise supports lung function and helps clear mucus. It’s especially important to take horses outside regularly in winter, even if the weather is less than ideal.

Natural support through herbs and nutrients

Nature offers numerous effective remedies to gently support your horse’s respiratory system. Here are some of the most important natural ingredients that have been shown to have positive effects on the respiratory system:


Thyme is one of the most commonly used herbs for treating respiratory diseases in both humans and animals. It contains essential oils, such as thymol, which have traditionally been used to break up mucus and support the airways. Its properties are frequently used to relieve coughing, and thyme is also appreciated for its antimicrobial effects.


Plantain has long been used in herbal medicine to soothe irritated mucous membranes. Its mucilage content helps reduce cough and can aid in calming the airways. It is often used in horses that are prone to respiratory irritation from dust or allergens.


Fennel is not only used for digestive issues but also to support the airways. It can help loosen mucus and relieve coughing. Fennel is also known for its calming effect on the respiratory mucous membranes.

Black cumin

Black cumin contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are said to have anti-inflammatory properties. This ingredient is traditionally used to support the airways in horses with chronic problems and to strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin C and vitamin E

These two vitamins are essential for a strong immune system and are important for maintaining healthy airways. Vitamin C helps the body defend itself against pathogens, while vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells and aiding the recovery of inflamed mucous membranes.


Eucalyptus is well-known for its powerful mucus-breaking properties and is frequently used for respiratory diseases. The essential oils in eucalyptus can help open the airways and break down mucus. It can be used as an inhalation or feed supplement, particularly for acute respiratory problems.

Licorice root

Licorice root is traditionally used to soothe coughs and calm mucous membranes. It can help support respiratory problems in cases of persistent coughing without further irritating the airways.

How IMUN Horse® "Resp" supports the airways

IMUN Horse® "Resp" is a supplement specifically designed to support the respiratory health of horses. It contains a combination of natural herbs and nutrients that work together to strengthen the bronchi and mucous membranes.

Imun Horse

What makes IMUN Horse® "Resp" special?

  1. Natural ingredients to support mucous membranes
    The included bronchial herbs, such as thyme, plantain and fennel, are gentle yet effective. These herbs have been known for centuries for their positive effects on the respiratory system and help loosen mucus without irritating the mucous membranes.

  2. Strengthening the immune system
    In addition to directly supporting the respiratory system, IMUN Horse® "Resp" also helps strengthen the immune system. The vitamins and nutrients it contains can help your horse fend off pathogens and boost its natural defenses. This is particularly important during the colder months or for horses that are prone to respiratory issues.

Application and dosage

IMUN Horse® "Resp" is easy to use. It comes in pellet form, which can simply be added to your horse’s daily feed. The dosage depends on the weight of your horse, and it’s recommended to feed the product over several weeks to achieve sustainable results. Be sure to observe the 48-hour withdrawal period according to FN-ADMR regulations if your horse is participating in competitions.

Additional tips for healthy airways: optimizing stable management and feeding

  1. Improving the microclimate in the stable
    Many riders know how important ventilation is, but specifically controlling the microclimate in the stable can make a big difference. Natural moisture sources such as water buckets or plants in the stable can improve humidity levels without causing mold. Humidity binds dust particles, reducing the number of harmful particles that are inhaled.

  2. Diffusing essential oils in the stable
    A relatively lesser-known method is the use of essential oils in the stable. These can be diffused or evaporated in the stable. Oils such as eucalyptus or peppermint can help support your horse’s respiratory system, especially during times when they are exposed to allergens.

  3. Adjusting pasture times and "dust avoidance days"
    An interesting approach is to adjust pasture times on particularly dry or windy days when a lot of dust is stirred up. It may be helpful to keep the horse in well-ventilated indoor areas on these days to minimize dust exposure. Conversely, after rainy days, pasture times can be extended since dust levels are much lower.

  4. Introducing plant diversity in the pasture
    Encouraging a diverse plant structure in the pasture can help reduce respiratory problems. By planting herbs like plantain, chamomile, and fennel in the pasture, your horse can benefit from natural herbs that support its respiratory system without needing to be fed separately.

These tips offer additional ways to optimize your horse’s stable management and feeding to keep its airways healthy. Sometimes small changes can make a big difference.

Prevention and natural support for healthy airways

Respiratory issues such as cough and bronchitis are burdensome for horses and, if not treated in time, can lead to chronic problems. But with proper care, exercise, and natural support, you can do a lot to keep your horse’s airways healthy. In addition to fresh air, regular exercise, a dust-free environment and a balanced diet, you can rely on products like IMUN Horse® "Resp," which are specifically designed to meet the needs of the respiratory system.

Remember: prevention is better than cure. By supporting your horse’s airways from the start, you can ensure long-term well-being and health — naturally.
product recommendations :
CORVITAL Horse® specifically supports the heart and blood circulation of horses and thus contributes to more vitality and well-being, especially during physical exertion and in the summer. With magnesium, valuable antioxidants and vitamins, it can compensate for deficiencies and promote a strong heart and blood circulation - for maximum quality of life and minimum impact on performance.
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IMUN Horse® "Para"
Especially in the summer months mosquitoes, flies, ticks and mites are regular uninvited guests in the stables. They are not only annoying for humans and animals, but can also be carriers of a variety of diseases. IMUN Horse® "Para"strengthens the horse's organism and immune system from the inside out and can thus reduce their occurrence.
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IMUN Horse® "Resp"
A weakened immune system in horses can quickly develop into irritated airways and a cough or bronchitis. Respiratory diseases are a common problem in horses that come to the vet. IMUN Horse® "Resp" mobilizes and strengthens healthy airways. The natural ingredients support the respiratory tract, bronchial tubes and mucous membranes.
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IMUN Horse® "Skin"
A shiny coat, a beautiful mane and an even complexion are signs of vitality and health in horses. The shedding phase is a particular challenge for the horse's organism with a greatly increased nutrient requirement. In addition to regular coat care from the outside, IMUN Horse® "Skin" is the ideal supplement from the inside out.
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IMUN Dog® "Resp"
Functioning and intact airways are particularly important for dogs. They perceive the world and their surroundings primarily through their nose and the cooling of the organism also takes place through breathing by panting. The herbal and nutrient mix IMUN Dog® 'Resp' was specially developed to support the respiratory system of dogs in order to strengthen it.
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