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Beauty from within: How antioxidants can influence the aging process
You’ve likely experienced this: standing in front of the mirror in the morning, suddenly spotting a new wrinkle that wasn’t there yesterday. Maybe your skin has lost some of its radiance, or small pigment spots have appeared that you're not too fond of. The aging process can't be stopped, but you can influence it—not just with creams, serums, or the right makeup. A key factor also lies in your diet, specifically in antioxidants.

Antioxidants can help support your skin from the inside out. In this blog post, you’ll learn what antioxidants are, how they work in your body, and how you can incorporate them into your daily diet to slow the aging process.

What exactly are antioxidants?

Before we dive deeper, let's quickly clarify what antioxidants are. Imagine your body is a city. In this city, there are numerous construction projects and repairs — that's your normal metabolic processes. However, during these processes, "waste products" are also generated in the form of free radicals. Free radicals are little troublemakers that cause chaos in your city by attacking and damaging cells, contributing to visible signs of skin aging, like wrinkles or pigment spots.
This is where antioxidants come into play. Antioxidants are the heroes in this scenario, restoring order to the city. They intercept free radicals and neutralize them before they can cause more significant damage. This means that antioxidants can help protect your skin from harmful influences — like environmental factors, UV radiation, and other stressors that produce free radicals in your body.

How do free radicals form?

Unfortunately, free radicals are pretty hard to avoid. They are unstable molecules that form in your body when atoms or molecules have an unpaired electron. This makes them highly reactive and aggressive, as they constantly try to steal electrons from other molecules to restore their stability. However, this process can damage your cells because the free radicals attack cell structures, ultimately leading to oxidative stress.

Free radicals form both through normal metabolic processes like breathing and digestion, as well as through external factors like UV radiation, pollution, smoking and unhealthy diets. When they exist in excessive amounts and your body can no longer neutralize them, they speed up skin aging and contribute to various health problems. This is where antioxidants come into play, as they can neutralize free radicals and protect your cells.

Can you turn back the clock?

Of course, it would be wonderful if we could simply hit the "pause" button on the aging process. While antioxidants can help slow the signs of skin aging, it’s important to stay realistic. They can’t work magic — but they can be a valuable piece of the puzzle in your skincare routine.

If you're aiming for youthful skin, it’s a good idea to keep free radicals in check as much as possible and you can best influence this through your diet.

Antioxidants in your diet – your inner protection

Scientific studies1 suggest that an antioxidant-rich diet can positively affect the skin by protecting it from harmful environmental influences. However, it is not a substitute for other measures like sunscreen or good moisturizing care. A healthy lifestyle, sufficient sleep and a good balance between stress and relaxation also play an important role.

There are numerous foods naturally rich in antioxidants. These include berries (which, by the way, not only taste fantastic but are also great for your smoothie), nuts, dark chocolate, leafy greens, and colorful fruits like oranges or kiwis. These foods provide your body with antioxidants that can help neutralize free radicals.

If you regularly enrich your diet with these "guardian angels," you might naturally influence your aging process.

Vitamin C: the classic among antioxidants

Vitamin C is probably the most well-known antioxidant, and for good reason. Not only does it contribute to the normal function of the immune system, but it also plays a key role in skin health. Officially, it is said that vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation, which is important for the normal function of the skin2. This means that this vitamin can help your body maintain collagen levels. As you may know, collagen is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of your skin.

Additionally, vitamin C can help protect cells from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is caused by the free radicals we've already learned about. If you consume enough vitamin C, it might help make your skin less prone to wrinkles and other signs of aging.

You can find vitamin C in many foods, especially in citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons. But bell peppers, broccoli, and berries are also excellent sources.

Vitamin E: the moisturizer

Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant, particularly known for its role in protecting skin cells. Like vitamin C, vitamin E can help safeguard your skin from the effects of free radicals.
Vitamin E is also known for helping the skin retain moisture, which keeps it looking smooth and supple. Dry skin is more prone to developing wrinkles and vitamin E can potentially play a supportive role here. You’ll find it in foods like nuts, seeds, plant oils, and avocados.

Polyphenols: plant protection for your skin

Polyphenols are a group of antioxidants found mainly in plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, tea, and red wine. Yes, that glass of red wine in the evening can actually help protect your skin from the signs of aging!

Polyphenols have anti-inflammatory properties and can help protect the skin from harmful environmental influences. They are found in particularly high concentrations in green tea, berries, and dark chocolate. And here’s some good news: when you're torn between a piece of chocolate and a salad, you now know that the chocolate is a legitimate option to do something good for your skin. ;-)

Beta-carotene: the orange glow booster

Beta-carotene is the pigment that gives carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkins their bright orange color. It is a powerful antioxidant and can be converted into vitamin A in the body. Officially, vitamin A contributes to the maintenance of normal skin2. This means that an adequate intake of beta-carotene can help support normal skin function.

Beta-carotene is often associated with a healthy, glowing complexion because it protects the skin from within and can promote its regeneration. So, if you're interested in a natural glow, it might be a good idea to incorporate more orange-colored foods into your diet.

How to integrate antioxidants into your daily routine

Don’t worry, you don’t need to suddenly drink an antioxidant cocktail every day (although that certainly wouldn’t hurt). There are many easy ways to make your diet rich in antioxidants:

  • Smoothies: A breakfast smoothie with berries, spinach and some orange juice gives you a good dose of vitamin C, vitamin E and polyphenols.

  • Snacks: Grab a handful of nuts or a piece of dark chocolate when hunger strikes between meals. Both are rich in antioxidants and support your skin from within.

  • Salads: Add bell peppers, carrots and avocado to your salad for a colorful mix of vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin E.

Supplements: a practical everyday helper

Sometimes, it's hard to get all the necessary nutrients solely through your diet. This is where supplements can be a useful addition. They help you get the antioxidants your body may need to keep oxidative stress in check, even when your meal plan isn’t as varied and colorful as it could be.

But be careful: supplements are not miracle cures. They can be a valuable complement to a balanced diet, but they should not be seen as a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. As with everything in life, balance is key.

Product recommendation: NN Antioxidans capsules – your support against free radicals

NN Antioxidans Kapseln

NN Antioxidans capsules contain a combination of vitamin C and vitamin E — two of the most powerful antioxidants that help protect cells from oxidative stress. Additionally, this product offers antioxidants like glutathione, OPC from grape seeds and beta-carotene, which can further enhance the cell-protecting effect. Particularly exciting: OPC not only supports cells on its own but also enhances the effectiveness of vitamins like vitamin C. A true all-in-one wellness package for your skin.

Conclusion: your beauty comes from within

There’s no denying it: aging is a natural part of life. But with the right care from within — through a balanced diet and the support of antioxidants — you can help your body stay radiant and vital for longer. Whether through fresh fruit, crisp vegetables or convenient supplements, antioxidants can play an important role in your daily routine. And if you can have fun along the way and enjoy the occasional piece of chocolate, all the better!

You deserve to feel good from the inside out and to show it on the outside. And don’t forget: even a smile is a great anti-aging trick! ;-)


1 Michalak, M. (2022): Plant-Derived Antioxidants: Significance in Skin Health and the Ageing Process. Department of Dermatology, Cosmetology and Aesthetic Surgery, Collegium Medicum, Jan Kochanowski University, Poland. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(2), 585; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23020585

2 European Commisson (2024): Health Claims. Food and Feed Information Portal Database. https://ec.europa.eu/food/food-feed-portal/screen/health-claims/eu-register
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