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for my pet / movement / COXAN Dog® "ak"
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COXAN Dog® "ak"

166 g | powder
€ 49,90    per unit incl. VAT excl. shipping costs
Since the dog's musculoskeletal system is subjected to heavy loads over the course of its life, it can become impaired over the years. COXAN Dog® was developed to support the musculoskeletal system in existing complaints. It can be used to promote the regeneration of muscles, bones and joints, as well as to restore normal mobility.
  • premium quality
  • harmonizing raw materials (high bioavailability)
  • with natural ingredients
  • GMO free
€ 49,90    per unit incl. VAT excl. shipping costs
2 - 3 business days delivery time
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  • premium quality
  • harmonizing raw materials (high bioavailability)
  • with natural ingredients
  • GMO free
product description
please administer as follows
COXAN Dog® 'ak'
166 g | powder

Optimal nutrient mix for maximum regeneration

Dogs love to run and their musculoskeletal system is put under a lot of strain and has to withstand a lot. Unfortunately, bone and joint diseases are common diagnoses in veterinary practices. There are many reasons for this: some breeds are more susceptible, while others have an increased risk due to genetic factors or overloading of the joints through sporting activities. It is therefore important to support the dog's body as much as possible in the event of problems so that it can regenerate. Similar to humans, the surrounding muscle tissue can be strengthened in the form of physiotherapy. In addition to therapy or treatment, supplementation with joint-supporting nutrients is essential.

COXAN Dog® 'ak' is a unique mix of nutrients that is precisely tailored to the needs of the musculoskeletal system of dogs that require special care in an emergency. COXAN Dog® 'ak' is intended for supportive use in the event of pain and impairments to bones, cartilage, joints and vision. Frankincense and omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and hydrolyzed collagen is a natural component of cartilage. The metabolism in the bones and joints is stimulated during illnesses and after trauma, accidents or operations in order to achieve maximum regeneration. Following the intensive treatment with COXAN Dog® 'ak', COXAN Dog® 'before and after' can be used to cover the dog's daily need for nutrients for the joints.


  • Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for normal bone function and normal cartilage function.

  • Joint-supporting nutrients: omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine from green-lipped mussel powder, chondroitin sulphate, frankincense and methylsulphonylmethane.


Hydrolyzed collagen, Willow bark, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), chondroitin sulfate (100%), green lipped mussel powder (glucosamine sulfate, 90%), frankincense (Boswellia serrata), ginkgo biloba, flaxseed (preprocessed), hawthorn leaf (Crataegus, ground), L-ascorbyl palminate (esterified vitamin C), acerola, vitamin B5 pantothenic acid (enriched with natural B vitamins), natural vitamin B from buckwheat seedlings, fish cartilage powder, devil's claw, omega-3 fatty acids (vegan)

Note: When feeding, attention should be paid to the animal's sufficient fluid intake. Recommendation: Feed the entire contents of the can. Shake the can well before use, and tightly close it after use.
product description
COXAN Dog® 'ak'
166 g | powder

Optimal nutrient mix for maximum regeneration

Dogs love to run and their musculoskeletal system is put under a lot of strain and has to withstand a lot. Unfortunately, bone and joint diseases are common diagnoses in veterinary practices. There are many reasons for this: some breeds are more susceptible, while others have an increased risk due to genetic factors or overloading of the joints through sporting activities. It is therefore important to support the dog's body as much as possible in the event of problems so that it can regenerate. Similar to humans, the surrounding muscle tissue can be strengthened in the form of physiotherapy. In addition to therapy or treatment, supplementation with joint-supporting nutrients is essential.

COXAN Dog® 'ak' is a unique mix of nutrients that is precisely tailored to the needs of the musculoskeletal system of dogs that require special care in an emergency. COXAN Dog® 'ak' is intended for supportive use in the event of pain and impairments to bones, cartilage, joints and vision. Frankincense and omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and hydrolyzed collagen is a natural component of cartilage. The metabolism in the bones and joints is stimulated during illnesses and after trauma, accidents or operations in order to achieve maximum regeneration. Following the intensive treatment with COXAN Dog® 'ak', COXAN Dog® 'before and after' can be used to cover the dog's daily need for nutrients for the joints.


  • Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for normal bone function and normal cartilage function.

  • Joint-supporting nutrients: omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine from green-lipped mussel powder, chondroitin sulphate, frankincense and methylsulphonylmethane.


Hydrolyzed collagen, Willow bark, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), chondroitin sulfate (100%), green lipped mussel powder (glucosamine sulfate, 90%), frankincense (Boswellia serrata), ginkgo biloba, flaxseed (preprocessed), hawthorn leaf (Crataegus, ground), L-ascorbyl palminate (esterified vitamin C), acerola, vitamin B5 pantothenic acid (enriched with natural B vitamins), natural vitamin B from buckwheat seedlings, fish cartilage powder, devil's claw, omega-3 fatty acids (vegan)

Note: When feeding, attention should be paid to the animal's sufficient fluid intake. Recommendation: Feed the entire contents of the can. Shake the can well before use, and tightly close it after use.
please administer as follows
Gewicht HundDosierung täglichErgiebigkeit
ca. 50 Kilo2 - 3 gestrichene Messlöffelca. 30 Tage
ca. 25 Kilo1 - 1 1/2 gestrichener Messlöffelca. 60 Tage
ca. 10 Kilo1/2 - 1 gestrichener Messlöffelca. 120 Tage
other products

COXAN Dog® "ak"

40 g | powder
Since the dog's musculoskeletal system is subjected to heavy loads over the course of its life, it can become impaired over the years. COXAN Dog® was developed to support the musculoskeletal system in existing complaints. It can be used to promote the regeneration of muscles, bones and joints, as well as to restore normal mobility.
€ 24,90

COXAN Dog® "before and after"

150 g | powder
Problems in the musculoskeletal system, such as arthritis, patellar luxations or herniated discs, are high on the list of canine diseases. However, with the right nutrient mix, it doesn't have to reach the point of mobility restrictions or even pain. COXAN Dog® 'before and after' is the cornerstone for a long, mobile and active dog life.
€ 48,90

COXAN Dog® "ak"

150 pcs. | capsules
Since the dog's musculoskeletal system is subjected to heavy loads over the course of its life, it can become impaired over the years. COXAN Dog® was developed to support the musculoskeletal system in existing complaints. It can be used to promote the regeneration of muscles, bones and joints, as well as to restore normal mobility.
€ 55,80


40 g | powder
Cats are said to have nine lives. Although they are generally robust and resilient animals, when it comes to muscle, joint and bone health, you should play it safe and rely on natural nutrients. COXAN CatÆ contains a nutrient mix that supports your cat's bones, cartilage and muscles and increases mobility.
€ 26,50

COXAN Dog® "ak"

700 g | powder
Since the dog's musculoskeletal system is subjected to heavy loads over the course of its life, it can become impaired over the years. COXAN Dog® was developed to support the musculoskeletal system in existing complaints. It can be used to promote the regeneration of muscles, bones and joints, as well as to restore normal mobility.
€ 189,90

COXAN Dog® "before and after"

700 g | powder
Problems in the musculoskeletal system, such as arthritis, patellar luxations or herniated discs, are high on the list of canine diseases. However, with the right nutrient mix, it doesn't have to reach the point of mobility restrictions or even pain. COXAN Dog® 'before and after' is the cornerstone for a long, mobile and active dog life.
€ 199,90

COXAN Horse®

750 g | pellets
Joint diseases such as osteoarthritis are no longer a rarity in horses and can occur at a young age as a result of overgrowth, overuse or nutrient deficiency. COXAN Horse® combines essential cartilage and joint nutrients and thus supports the regeneration mechanisms to counteract progressive wear and tear.
€ 88,40
What our customers say
Find out what our customers say about us and why they choose us. We are proud of the positive feedback and would like to share their experiences.
agile & active
COXAN Dog ,before and after‘ provides bones, cartilage and joints with all the nutrients they need. Suitable for all breeds from puppy to senior age.
Healthy Joints in Dogs
A healthy musculoskeletal system is essential for a dog’s quality of life and for enjoying movement. This complex system, composed of bones, joints, muscles, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments, ideally works seamlessly together. Unfortunately, musculoskeletal disorders are common in veterinary practices. In this blog post, you’ll learn about the different causes of joint diseases, how to prevent them, and which nutrients specifically support your dog’s musculoskeletal system.
Nikolaus Ludwig

With passion and dedication my team and I develop, produce and distribute exquisite effective micronutrient specialties, with natural pure raw materials, in premium quality for more than 30 years. Experience, competence and trust are three important cornerstones of my philosophy let’s make the world a better place® through NN Passion for Nutrition®!

As a family man, dog and horse owner, I have been intensively involved with complementary therapies since the beginning. My holistic research work always focuses on the needs of people and animals. From my beginning until today there is the irrepressible desire to do something for the benefit of humans and animals, their quality of life and health maintenance!

Your Nikolaus
Nikolaus Ludwig

With passion and dedication my team and I develop, produce and distribute exquisite effective micronutrient specialties, with natural pure raw materials, in premium quality for more than 30 years. Experience, competence and trust are three important cornerstones of my philosophy let’s make the world a better place® through NN Passion for Nutrition®!

As a family man, dog and horse owner, I have been intensively involved with complementary therapies since the beginning. My holistic research work always focuses on the needs of people and animals. From my beginning until today there is the irrepressible desire to do something for the benefit of humans and animals, their quality of life and health maintenance!

Your Nikolaus
review this product
4.78 out of 5 stars 18 reviews
Leider keine Besserung bisher (21.10.2023 - Monika)
Seit knapp 3 Wochen gebe ich meiner 10jährigen Hündin dieses Produkt. Sie hat Arthrose in den Hinterbeinen und kann nur sehr schwer aufstehen.
Coxan Dog ak (18.01.2023 - Sonja)
Der Bewegungsapparat meiner Hündin war bis dato in schlechtem Zusatand. Von Gelenksschmerzen begleitet war ich mit Ihr beim Tierarzt. Er hat uns für Joy COXAN Dog ak für ihre Gelenksbeschwerden, im Besonderen Arthrose an den Hinterläufen, mitgegeben. Binnen weniger Tage war sie schmerzfrei und kann trotz ihres Alters von 14 Jahren wieder halbwegs mit ihren Freunden mithalten. Geniales Bewegungsapparat Produkt das ich jedem Hundehalter nur empfehlen kann.
COXAN Dog (14.01.2023 - Petra )
Dank meiner Tierärztin hat meine Hündin keine Gelenksschmerzen mehr.  Die HD haben wir unter Kontrolle. BEWEGUNG im Freien kann endlich wieder genossen werden;-)!
Hüftprobleme bei meinem Rüden (11.01.2023 - Gerald)
Dank Coxan Dog läuft meine Hündin wieder sehr gut. Mein Tierarzt meinte das ich wegen der HD bei Leny ab jetzt dauerhaft zufüttern soll. Preis/Leistungsverhältnis ist bei Coxan sehr gut, aber vor allem wirkt es.
HD bei meiner Hündin (17.09.2022 - Sibylle)
Dank COXAN Dog ak das ich von meiner Tierärztin in Graz bekommen habe läuft meine Akira wieder schmerzfrei! Tolles natürliches Made-in-Austria Produkt mit einem sehr guten Preis/Leistungsverhältnis.
COXAN dog (29.06.2022 - Carmen H.)
Ich möchte euch auf diesem Wege gerne wissen lassen, dass mein Hund dan EURER Produkte und hochgradiger HD schmerzfrei leben konnte!! Eure Produkte sind TOP und werde ich sicherlich wieder kaufen und weiterempfehlen!
Coxan Dog (07.05.2022 - Uschi K.)
...kann ich nur weiterempfehlen. Tolles Produkt bei hervorragendem Preis/Leistungsverhältnis. Mein Rüde Speedy läuft wieder Schmerzfrei durch den Garten. Dank an meine tierärztin im südl. Burgenland und Nikolaus-Nature!
Sie läuft wieder schmerzfrei... (17.04.2022 - Christa P)
...dank Coxan dog ak von meinem Tierarzt in Salzburg. Danke NN und meinem Tierarzt! Super Prdukt zu einem guten Preis bei so einer Ergiebigkeit.
Uneingeschränkte Bewegung (14.04.2022 - Eva H.)
Seit meine "Große" COXAN Dog bekommt ist Sie wieder extrem bewegungsfreudig! Sehr gutes Präparat bei hervorragendem Preis/Leistungsverhältnis!
COXAN Dog ak (07.11.2021 - Bettina O.)
Mein Tierarzt in Kärnten hat mir dieses Produkt für meine Leila (11 Jahre, 35 kg) empfohlen. Nach 3 Tagen konnte Leila schon wieder in der Früh ganz normal aufstehen. Nach 5 Tagen sprang sie auf, als wäre nichts gewesen. Das füttere ich gerne weiter! Danke Dr. L.
COXAN Dog, keine Schmerzen (05.11.2021 - Beatrix)
Wir sind ja richtige Fans von OrthoVet, seit vielen Jahren. Jetzt kann ich das endlich einmal direkt bei euch auf der HP kundtun! Spitzen Produkte für Hunde, danke!!!
Wenn nichts mehr geht... (04.11.2021 - Anneliese)
Auf COXAN Dog von Nikolaus Nature schwören wir ab jetzt. Bereits nach drei Tagen konnte meine Schäferhündin morgens wieder normal aufstehen! Spitzen Produkt aus Österreich!
Coxan Dog (01.11.2021 - Mirko)
Abends COXAN Dog ins Futter mischen, funktioniert genial. Schon nach ein paar Tagen kann er wieder Morgens aufstehen und mit seinem Ball spielen.
Coxan Dog (20.10.2021 - Georg)
So wie letztes Jahr geben wir bereits zu Beginn der kalt-nassen Jahreszeit das Präparat und unser alter Herr läuft wieder ohne Aufstehprobleme frisch und munter!
Coxan Dog (16.10.2021 - Andrea H.)
Mein Rüde Koko, 10 Jahre, hatte bis vor kurzem diagnostizierte Gelenksbeschwerden. Dadurch wurde mir vom Tierarzt von Orthovet - Nikolaus-Nature Coxan Dog ak verschrieben. Koko läuft jetzt wieder schmerzfrei und wir freuen uns auf den gemeinsamen Winterschnee! Danke und ganz liebe Grüße an das Team, Andrea
Coxan Dog (14.10.2021 - Linda K.)
Unsere "Stallhündin" Greta hat vor einem Jahr zu humpeln begonnen. Zuerst dachten wir das sie sich "verstiegen" hat aber nachdem unser Tierarzt, der auch meine Pferde betreut, mich eines Besseren belehrt hat, geben wir Greta COXAN dog ak, weil Sie tatsächlich Gelenksbeschwerden hatte. Bereits nach wenigen Tagen war sie wieder frisch, frech und munter auf allen Vieren im Stall unterwegs. Seit dem gebe Ich das Produkt von Nikolaus-Nature täglich dem Futter bei. Hat genial funktioniert!!
Spitze! (05.10.2021 - Marie B.)
Mein Labrador bewegt sich wieder wie ein Welpe! Seine langährigen Gelenksprobleme werden seit Behandlungsbeginn immer weniger.
COXAN Dog (18.09.2021 - Lorenz)
Da ich aktiv im Hundesport tätig bin kann ich sehr wohl zwischen verschiedenen Produktqualitäten unterscheiden. Sehe mir Inhaltsstoffe, Qualität, Menge und Ergiebigkeit immer sehr genau an. COXAN Dog (Orthovet früher) habe ich übrigens zum ersten Mal damals von meinem Tierarzt in Klagenfurt erhalten. Bin überdurchschnittlich zufrieden! Meine Hunde laufen schmerzfei seit Jahren, trotz des Alters.
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All prices quoted in EUR incl. statutory taxes but excl. shipping costs. Image rights: Adobe Stock, Nikolaus-Nature.com
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