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for myself / teeth / NN Dent calm®
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NN Dent calm®

120 pcs. | capsules
€ 38,90    per unit incl. VAT excl. shipping costs
Our teeth are put under a lot of strain during the day: Hot and cold drinks, sugary snacks, chewing, crunching and some even open bottles with them. Even the hardest tooth enamel has to give in. This is why you should also give your teeth and gums a break at night - with naturally regenerating nutrients from the inside.
  • premium quality
  • harmonizing raw materials (high bioavailability)
  • with natural ingredients
€ 38,90    per unit incl. VAT excl. shipping costs
2 - 3 business days delivery time
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  • premium quality
  • harmonizing raw materials (high bioavailability)
  • with natural ingredients
product description
NN Dent calm®

120 pcs. | capsules

Relaxation for teeth and gums

The enamel protects the teeth from damage, wear and tear and bacteria. And lots of these affect our teeth every day and can cause lasting damage. Teeth are the first thing that food comes into contact with and have to it break down. Foods containing sugar and acid plus mechanical abrasion all contribute to the enamel being permanently attacked. However, teeth are not only important as part of the digestive system, but are also essential for a radiant smile. Only healthy, bright teeth make you look and feel good. With targeted combinations of nutrients, you can promote healthy teeth and gums and their regeneration from the inside out.

NN Dent calm® contains a nutrient mix that is ideally tailored to the needs of teeth and gums. Taken in the evening before going to bed, it can promote regeneration and ensure that teeth and gums also relax. The amino acid L-arginine is a natural component of saliva and can make it more difficult for bacteria to adhere to the teeth. Alpha-lipoic acid and zinc are antioxidant micronutrients that can support dental health. L-lysine contributes to the incorporation of calcium into the teeth and thus to their stability.


  • Magnesium contributes to the maintenance of normal teeth.


magnesium citrate, L-arginine, alpha-lipoic acid, L-lysine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), zinc, manganese

Recommended dosage

As recommended by your therapist or 1 – 2 capsules in the evening before a meal.

Note: Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children.

product description
NN Dent calm®

120 pcs. | capsules

Relaxation for teeth and gums

The enamel protects the teeth from damage, wear and tear and bacteria. And lots of these affect our teeth every day and can cause lasting damage. Teeth are the first thing that food comes into contact with and have to it break down. Foods containing sugar and acid plus mechanical abrasion all contribute to the enamel being permanently attacked. However, teeth are not only important as part of the digestive system, but are also essential for a radiant smile. Only healthy, bright teeth make you look and feel good. With targeted combinations of nutrients, you can promote healthy teeth and gums and their regeneration from the inside out.

NN Dent calm® contains a nutrient mix that is ideally tailored to the needs of teeth and gums. Taken in the evening before going to bed, it can promote regeneration and ensure that teeth and gums also relax. The amino acid L-arginine is a natural component of saliva and can make it more difficult for bacteria to adhere to the teeth. Alpha-lipoic acid and zinc are antioxidant micronutrients that can support dental health. L-lysine contributes to the incorporation of calcium into the teeth and thus to their stability.


  • Magnesium contributes to the maintenance of normal teeth.


magnesium citrate, L-arginine, alpha-lipoic acid, L-lysine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), zinc, manganese

Recommended dosage

As recommended by your therapist or 1 – 2 capsules in the evening before a meal.

Note: Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children.

Magnesium CitrateL-Arginin
Alpha Lipoic AcidL-Lysin
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€ 33,90

NN Vitamin K

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€ 28,60

NN Vitamin D3 600 I.U.

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€ 15,90

NN Vitamin D3 2500 I.U.

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In the summer it is easy to get enough sun outside, but in the winter months it is difficult to absorb enough vitamin D. Especially in Central European latitudes vitamin D deficiency in adults is widespread. NN Vitamin D3 provides the body with a daily dose of sunshine - even when it is gray and dreary outside.
€ 22,80

NN Minerals

180 pcs. | capsules
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€ 34,40

NN Omega 3

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€ 39,90

NN Ester C plus

120 pcs. | capsules
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€ 39,90

NN NeuroVital

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€ 25,60

NN Dent activate®

120 pcs. | capsules
We know that a healthy diet is important for the whole body and our well-being. However, it is less well known that a varied lifestyle can also do a lot for your teeth and gums. Healthy teeth and gums need more than just the daily care routine with brushes and dental floss: namely valuable nutrients from the inside.
€ 49,70
strong immune system & more energy
NN Ester C plus - The all-rounder for your immune system and energy. Optimized for better absorption, gentle on the stomach. Get your boost.
Nikolaus Ludwig

With passion and dedication my team and I develop, produce and distribute exquisite effective micronutrient specialties, with natural pure raw materials, in premium quality for more than 30 years. Experience, competence and trust are three important cornerstones of my philosophy let’s make the world a better place® through NN Passion for Nutrition®!

As a family man, dog and horse owner, I have been intensively involved with complementary therapies since the beginning. My holistic research work always focuses on the needs of people and animals. From my beginning until today there is the irrepressible desire to do something for the benefit of humans and animals, their quality of life and health maintenance!

Your Nikolaus
Nikolaus Ludwig

With passion and dedication my team and I develop, produce and distribute exquisite effective micronutrient specialties, with natural pure raw materials, in premium quality for more than 30 years. Experience, competence and trust are three important cornerstones of my philosophy let’s make the world a better place® through NN Passion for Nutrition®!

As a family man, dog and horse owner, I have been intensively involved with complementary therapies since the beginning. My holistic research work always focuses on the needs of people and animals. From my beginning until today there is the irrepressible desire to do something for the benefit of humans and animals, their quality of life and health maintenance!

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Zufrieden! (27.09.2021 - H. Florian)
Habe schon immer Probleme mit empfindlichem Zahnfleisch. Seit regelmäßiger Einnahme der Kapseln habe ich durchaus weniger damit zu kämpfen.
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All prices quoted in EUR incl. statutory taxes but excl. shipping costs. Image rights: Adobe Stock, Nikolaus-Nature.com
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