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NN Mindrecover®

30 Sachets á 5,35 g
€ 69,70    per unit incl. VAT excl. shipping costs
The human brain needs an enormous amount of energy, which is obtained in the body from carbohydrates or sugar. NN Mindrecover® gives the brain an extra portion of energy for more concentration and better memory. The special feature of NN Mindrecover® is the D-galactose it contains, which makes the preparation relevant for diabetics and lactose-intolerant people.
  • premium quality
  • harmonizing raw materials (high bioavailability)
  • with natural ingredients
€ 69,70    per unit incl. VAT excl. shipping costs
2 - 3 business days delivery time
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  • premium quality
  • harmonizing raw materials (high bioavailability)
  • with natural ingredients
product description
NN Mindrecover®
30 pcs. | sachets

High-energy sugar for maximum brain power

D-galactose is also called mucilage sugar because it is mainly found in the mucous membranes of humans. Like glucose, it is a carbohydrate and a simple sugar. The big difference to glucose, however, is that it has little effect on the blood sugar level when consumed because D-galactose hardly requires any insulin to enter the blood and cells. This means: no blood sugar fluctuations and no hunger or fatigue attacks. The so-called „brain sugar“ is a fast energy supplier for the brain so that you can cope better with everyday life. NN Mindrecover® is therefore ideal for athletes when performance lows occur or as a pick-me-up for afternoon slumps at the office. Students can also benefit from D-galactose during periods of intensive studying and testing, as it can have a positive effect on concentration and memory performance.

D-galactose is a natural component of breast milk, where it is an important energy source for infants, as well as lactose, fruit and vegetables. D-galactose plays an important role in the body in the transmission of information between the individual cells and synapses so that the brain can evaluate sensory input, think and make decisions. It is currently the subject of intensive research because D-galactose may not only be an efficient source of energy for the brain, but may also have positive effects in the treatment of Alzheimer's, dementia and depression.


  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) contributes to the normal function of the nervous system.

  • Vitamin B6 contributes to normal mental function.

  • Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

  • Iron contributes to normal cognitive function.


vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, D-biotin, vitamin K, iron, zinc, D-galactose

Recommended dosage

1 sachet in the morning or 1 sachet in the morning and ½ sachet at lunchtime before meals or according to the therapist's recommendation.

Note: Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children.
product description
NN Mindrecover®
30 pcs. | sachets

High-energy sugar for maximum brain power

D-galactose is also called mucilage sugar because it is mainly found in the mucous membranes of humans. Like glucose, it is a carbohydrate and a simple sugar. The big difference to glucose, however, is that it has little effect on the blood sugar level when consumed because D-galactose hardly requires any insulin to enter the blood and cells. This means: no blood sugar fluctuations and no hunger or fatigue attacks. The so-called „brain sugar“ is a fast energy supplier for the brain so that you can cope better with everyday life. NN Mindrecover® is therefore ideal for athletes when performance lows occur or as a pick-me-up for afternoon slumps at the office. Students can also benefit from D-galactose during periods of intensive studying and testing, as it can have a positive effect on concentration and memory performance.

D-galactose is a natural component of breast milk, where it is an important energy source for infants, as well as lactose, fruit and vegetables. D-galactose plays an important role in the body in the transmission of information between the individual cells and synapses so that the brain can evaluate sensory input, think and make decisions. It is currently the subject of intensive research because D-galactose may not only be an efficient source of energy for the brain, but may also have positive effects in the treatment of Alzheimer's, dementia and depression.


  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) contributes to the normal function of the nervous system.

  • Vitamin B6 contributes to normal mental function.

  • Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

  • Iron contributes to normal cognitive function.


vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, D-biotin, vitamin K, iron, zinc, D-galactose

Recommended dosage

1 sachet in the morning or 1 sachet in the morning and ½ sachet at lunchtime before meals or according to the therapist's recommendation.

Note: Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children.
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Folic Acid
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
D-Galactose (special)
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Anyone who spends the entire day on their feet due to their job knows it all too well: tired and heavy legs in the evening. This feeling is further exacerbated by the heat during the summer months. This is where tomatoes and their significance for blood flow come into play: it's no coincidence that tomato juice is the most commonly consumed beverage on long flights.
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strong immune system & more energy
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Nikolaus Ludwig

With passion and dedication my team and I develop, produce and distribute exquisite effective micronutrient specialties, with natural pure raw materials, in premium quality for more than 30 years. Experience, competence and trust are three important cornerstones of my philosophy let’s make the world a better place® through NN Passion for Nutrition®!

As a family man, dog and horse owner, I have been intensively involved with complementary therapies since the beginning. My holistic research work always focuses on the needs of people and animals. From my beginning until today there is the irrepressible desire to do something for the benefit of humans and animals, their quality of life and health maintenance!

Your Nikolaus
Nikolaus Ludwig

With passion and dedication my team and I develop, produce and distribute exquisite effective micronutrient specialties, with natural pure raw materials, in premium quality for more than 30 years. Experience, competence and trust are three important cornerstones of my philosophy let’s make the world a better place® through NN Passion for Nutrition®!

As a family man, dog and horse owner, I have been intensively involved with complementary therapies since the beginning. My holistic research work always focuses on the needs of people and animals. From my beginning until today there is the irrepressible desire to do something for the benefit of humans and animals, their quality of life and health maintenance!

Your Nikolaus
review this product
5 out of 5 stars 7 reviews
Geniales Präparat (02.05.2022 - Heidi T.)
Ich kann nur Gutes über den NN Mindrecover schreiben. Meine Patienten in der Ordination berichten mir nach kürzester Zeit sehr gute Erfolge bei ihren Angehörigen. Medizinisch darf ich hier leider nicht mehr von mir geben, aber ich kann dieses Präparat, jedem der täglich seine "Gedanken sucht", nur ans Herz legen.
Wennst was vergisst... (28.11.2021 - Olivia)
...solltest mit dem NN Mindrecover beginnen! Einschleichend ohne dass es dir auffällt beginnst du dich nach 4-5 Tagen plötzlich wieder an Sachen zu erinnern die tatsächlich vorher nicht mehr auf der Zunge gelegen sind! Spitze!
Geistig fit (02.11.2021 - Erna)
Dank NN Mindrecover, täglich ein Säckchen, bin ich in jedem Fall wieder geistig flexibler und merke mir Dinge, die vorher einfach nicht "greifbar" für mich waren.
Gedächtnis (20.10.2021 - Annemarie K.)
NN Mindrecover ist ein empfehlenswertes Produkt. Mein Vater kann sich endlich wieder an Dinge erinnern und ist geistig viel fitter als noch vor 2 Monaten! Sehr gutes Produkt, werden wir weiterhin nehmen!
ausgesprochen gutes Produkt (27.09.2021 - G. Waltraud )
Ich habe das Produkt für meine schon etwas ältere Mutter bestellt. Sie hat bereits ein paar leichte Anzeichen von Demenz. Seitdem sie Mindrecover über einen längeren Zeitraum eingenommen hatte, tat sie sich wieder viel leichter sich an kleine Dinge wie wo sie ihre Brille oder die Fernbedienung hingelegt hatte zu erinnern.
Demenz (12.09.2021 - Angelika)
Meine Eltern sind Mitte 70 und vergessen leider immer mehr, besonders mein Vater tut sich sehr schwer Dinge im Kopf zu behalten. Seit sie jedoch NN Mindrecover täglich einnehmen sind die Beiden wie ausgewechselt. Darauf wollen wir alle nicht mehr verzichten.
NN Mindrecover (01.09.2021 - Ilse H.)
Meine Mutter war bereits seit längerem sehr Vergesslich! Durch den NN Mindrecover geht es Ihr viel besser, sie merkt sich wieder die meisten Dinge und ist dadurch viel fröhlicher und aufgeweckter als zuvor. Wir bleiben dabei!
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All prices quoted in EUR incl. statutory taxes but excl. shipping costs. Image rights: Adobe Stock, Nikolaus-Nature.com
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