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NN black cumin oil

180 pcs. | capsules
€ 36,30    per unit incl. VAT excl. shipping costs
Black cumin has its origins in the Middle East, where it not only gives many dishes the necessary spice, but has also been an integral part of herbal medicine for thousands of years. Due to its diverse ingredients, this oil is not only a nutrient and beauty booster, but also gives allergy sufferers a greater sense of well-being.
  • premium quality
  • harmonizing raw materials (high bioavailability)
  • with natural ingredients
€ 36,30    per unit incl. VAT excl. shipping costs
2 - 3 business days delivery time
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  • premium quality
  • harmonizing raw materials (high bioavailability)
  • with natural ingredients
product description
NN Black cumin oil
180 pcs. | capsules

A nutrient-rich oil with a wide range of applications

Black seed oil has been used as a natural remedy for numerous ailments since ancient times, earning it the name "gold of the pharaohs". It can be used both internally and externally. Internally, it can help with digestive problems, have a positive effect on inflammation and stimulate the immune system. When applied externally, it can be used to care for skin and hair and can even be used for skin problems such as psoriasis or neurodermatitis. Black cumin oil is therefore not only popular as an ingredient in beauty products, but also as a dietary supplement.

If you want to use black cumin oil for yourself, you should always choose a cold-pressed product, as this processing is much gentler and the valuable ingredients are better preserved. And black cumin oil has plenty of them: a single black cumin seed contains over 100 different nutrients, including the rare omega-6 fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid and a large number of secondary plant substances. Beta-carotene - the precursor of vitamin A, which supports the skin tissue - is also abundant in black cumin oil. Trace elements from black cumin oil such as sodium, iron, selenium, phosphorus and zinc can boost the immune system and it is also full of antioxidants. Studies have identified and proven the therapeutic effect of black seed oil, particularly in the area of allergies. As diverse as its ingredients are, NN Black cumin oil can have a positive effect on the body in many different ways.


cold-pressed black cumin oil from seeds of Egyptian origin

Recommended dosage

As recommended by the therapist or 2 capsules per day.

Note: Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children.
product description
NN Black cumin oil
180 pcs. | capsules

A nutrient-rich oil with a wide range of applications

Black seed oil has been used as a natural remedy for numerous ailments since ancient times, earning it the name "gold of the pharaohs". It can be used both internally and externally. Internally, it can help with digestive problems, have a positive effect on inflammation and stimulate the immune system. When applied externally, it can be used to care for skin and hair and can even be used for skin problems such as psoriasis or neurodermatitis. Black cumin oil is therefore not only popular as an ingredient in beauty products, but also as a dietary supplement.

If you want to use black cumin oil for yourself, you should always choose a cold-pressed product, as this processing is much gentler and the valuable ingredients are better preserved. And black cumin oil has plenty of them: a single black cumin seed contains over 100 different nutrients, including the rare omega-6 fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid and a large number of secondary plant substances. Beta-carotene - the precursor of vitamin A, which supports the skin tissue - is also abundant in black cumin oil. Trace elements from black cumin oil such as sodium, iron, selenium, phosphorus and zinc can boost the immune system and it is also full of antioxidants. Studies have identified and proven the therapeutic effect of black seed oil, particularly in the area of allergies. As diverse as its ingredients are, NN Black cumin oil can have a positive effect on the body in many different ways.


cold-pressed black cumin oil from seeds of Egyptian origin

Recommended dosage

As recommended by the therapist or 2 capsules per day.

Note: Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children.
cold pressed black cumin oil
(Seeds of Egyptian origin)500 mg
other products

NN Alkaline

200 g | powder
A balanced acid-base ratio in the body is the foundation for a healthy life. Unfortunately, there are many factors that can disrupt this balance - an unbalanced diet, stress, an unhealthy lifestyle and environmental pollution. NN Base Powder rebalances the acid-base ratio in the body - for greater well-being and vitality.
€ 23,80

NN Vitamin D3 + K2 MK7

15 ml | 2.500 I.E. | approx. 300 drops
The functions of vitamin D3, also known as the sunshine vitamin, for the immune system, mental health, and bone health are widely known. Less famous is its ideal partner: vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 ensures that calcium in the body goes where it is needed: into the bones and teeth. Together, vitamins D3 and K2 form the perfect nutrient duo for bone health.
€ 22,90

NN Collagen + Hyaluron

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Collagen and hyaluronic acid have long been used as an ingredient in face and body creams to keep the skin youthful and firm. The body's own substances ensure that skin, connective tissue and cartilage remain elastic and moisture is retained. This power duo can counteract the decreasing collagen and hyaluronic acid production with age.
€ 49,70

NN Curcuma plus

90 pcs. | capsules
Curcuma has successfully made its way into the kitchens of the western world. Originally native to China and India, the spice is used as a curry spice and as an ingredient in golden milk. However, turmeric not only has a lot to offer in terms of taste and color, but also for the body with its unique mix of natural ingredients.
€ 37,20

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120 pcs. | capsules
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€ 49,90

NN Detox special

90 pcs. | capsules
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€ 29,20

NN Hepaguard Pro®

120 pcs. | capsules
The human liver is constantly working hard around the clock. Our lifestyle can sometimes overwhelm it. To prevent it from burning out, supporting its detoxification and regeneration functions during times of increased stress is very beneficial. This can be easily achieved with the nutrient mix NN Hepaguard Pro®.
€ 39,90

NN Coral Calcium

75 g | powder
If you dive into the depths of the sea off the island of Okinawa and look for treasures, you are sure to find them: The sango coral is a real treasure chest if you look at it from a nutritional point of view. This is because it collects calcium and magnesium throughout its life - in exactly the ideal ratio that the human organism needs.
€ 27,00

NN Ling Zhi capsules made from spore powder

90 pcs. | capsules
Mushrooms are currently in vogue and not just as a delicious and nutritious dish, but also in the form of food supplements. But the mushroom trend is not entirely new. One of these so-called medicinal mushrooms is reishi or ling zhi, which has been used successfully in East Asian folk medicine for thousands of years.
€ 37,30

NN Immunprevent ®

120 pcs. | capsules
Vitamin C, propolis extract and echinacea - the immune power trio to get you through the winter. They give the body's own immune system a powerful boost so that bacteria and viruses don't stand a chance. When everyone around you is sniffling, coughing and sniffling, NN Immunprevent® forms a natural protective shield.
€ 39,90

NN Coral Calcium

120 pcs. | capsules
If you dive into the depths of the sea off the island of Okinawa and look for treasures, you are sure to find them: The sango coral is a real treasure chest if you look at it from a nutritional point of view. This is because it collects calcium and magnesium throughout its life - in exactly the ideal ratio that the human organism needs.
€ 38,30

NN Vitamin B12 pro

50 ml⎪drops
Vitamin B12 belongs to the group of B vitamins and is a critical nutrient, especially for vegetarians and vegans, as it is mainly found in animal foods. Anyone who eats a meat-free or completely animal-free diet should therefore supplement vitamin B12 with a supplement such as NN Vitamin B12.
€ 29,50

NN N-Acetyl Complex

60 pcs. | capsules
N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is an antioxidant that started its nutrient career as a liquefying substance to make it easier to cough up mucus from the bronchial tubes. It is now known that the direct precursor of glutathione in the body performs many other important tasks and makes a significant contribution to the cells.
€ 39,90

NN Magnesium Complex

180 pcs. | capsules
You only think of magnesium deficiency when you are unpleasantly torn from sleep by cramping calves. However, magnesium does so much more in the human body than supply the muscles. In fact, the body needs a lot of it every day, and the need is even higher for athletes - supplementation is therefore advisable in any case.
€ 33,90

NN Niacin plus

60 pcs. | capsules
Niacin - formerly also known as vitamin B3 - is a water-soluble vitamin that belongs to the vitamin B group. It has an influence on the nervous system, skin, mucous membranes and the entire energy metabolism. Supplements with niacin are particularly useful for people who suffer from a niacin deficiency, who are at risk or who have an increased requirement.
€ 19,90

NN Magnesium citrate

120 pcs. | capsules
Magnesium citrate is an organic magnesium compound that the body can absorb very well. The magnesium is therefore quickly available in the body and can quickly develop its properties for muscles and nerves. NN magnesium citrate is particularly popular with athletes and sportspeople because their bodies benefit greatly from this form of magnesium.
€ 29,00

NN Amino MAP

200 pcs. | capsules
All 8 essential amino acids in one capsule, broken down and in a freely available form so that they can be absorbed by the body immediately. Not only athletes, but also vegetarians and vegans tend to consume little or too little protein. With NN Amino Map you can take an important step towards an optimal supply of the 8 essential amino acids.
€ 59,90

NN Enzyme Complex

60 pcs. | capsules
So tiny and yet so powerful and important: without enzymes, living organisms would not be viable. It is only through them that all metabolic processes can be triggered and carried out in the body. NN Enzyme Complex contains the most important enzymes for the human organism so that it can maintain its ideal balance in all areas of the body.
€ 46,90

NN Vitamin D3 600 I.U.

15 ml | approx. 300 drops
When the sunny days become fewer, it's time to think about your vitamin D supply. NN Vitamin D3 600 is ideal for maintaining the vitamin D levels you built up in the summer throughout the winter months, or if you are currently undergoing a vitamin D buildup regimen to keep your levels constant.
€ 15,90

NN Vitamin D3 2500 I.U.

15 ml | approx. 300 drops
In the summer it is easy to get enough sun outside, but in the winter months it is difficult to absorb enough vitamin D. Especially in Central European latitudes vitamin D deficiency in adults is widespread. NN Vitamin D3 provides the body with a daily dose of sunshine - even when it is gray and dreary outside.
€ 22,80

NN amino acid complex

60 pcs. | capsules
If you want to speed up regeneration and muscle building, it is best to use NN Amino Acid Complex. This preparation contains 12 amino acids that the body needs to recover from the stresses of training and to build new muscle mass. The amino acids are contained in the L-form in the optimum ratio and are immediately available.
€ 29,90

NN Minerals

180 pcs. | capsules
When thinking of zinc and copper, one usually thinks of metals and not of bodily health. In fact, they are just two of the many minerals essential for the body and metabolism. Depending on their quantity in the body, they are referred to as trace elements or macro elements. NN Minerals replenishes the mineral balance during times of increased need.
€ 34,40

NN Omega 3

120 pcs. | capsules
The modern carbohydrate-rich human diet has greatly unbalanced the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats. However, omega-3 plays an extremely important role in combating inflammation and for heart health. However, the requirement cannot be sufficiently covered by food intake alone.
€ 39,90

NN OPC + Acerola

180 pcs. | capsules
Grapes and acerola cherries may be relatively small, but they are packed with power in the form of vitamin C and OPC - oligomeric proanthocyanidins. And we can also make use of these for the human body: Vitamin C is considered a supporter of the immune system and OPCs are similarly powerful antioxidants that form a powerful synergy with vitamin C.
€ 38,40

NN Ester C plus

120 pcs. | capsules
We learn this as children: Vitamin C is good for us and important for staying healthy, especially during the winter. In fact, in addition to its function for the immune system, vitamin C is very important for the body's energy levels and performance all year round. NN Ester C plus combines a variety of different forms of vitamin C for maximum absorption capacity.
€ 39,90

NN Nopal Cinnamon

120 pcs. | capsules
A piece of chocolate after lunch or a glass of wine in the evening with dinner is perfectly acceptable. However, the blood sugar curve often rises steeply afterwards, which is not ideal. It is normal for blood sugar to fluctuate throughout the day, but extreme fluctuations should be avoided. NN Nopal cinnamon can help to smooth out these curves.
€ 37,90
strong immune system & more energy
NN Ester C plus - The all-rounder for your immune system and energy. Optimized for better absorption, gentle on the stomach. Get your boost.
Nikolaus Ludwig

With passion and dedication my team and I develop, produce and distribute exquisite effective micronutrient specialties, with natural pure raw materials, in premium quality for more than 30 years. Experience, competence and trust are three important cornerstones of my philosophy let’s make the world a better place® through NN Passion for Nutrition®!

As a family man, dog and horse owner, I have been intensively involved with complementary therapies since the beginning. My holistic research work always focuses on the needs of people and animals. From my beginning until today there is the irrepressible desire to do something for the benefit of humans and animals, their quality of life and health maintenance!

Your Nikolaus
Nikolaus Ludwig

With passion and dedication my team and I develop, produce and distribute exquisite effective micronutrient specialties, with natural pure raw materials, in premium quality for more than 30 years. Experience, competence and trust are three important cornerstones of my philosophy let’s make the world a better place® through NN Passion for Nutrition®!

As a family man, dog and horse owner, I have been intensively involved with complementary therapies since the beginning. My holistic research work always focuses on the needs of people and animals. From my beginning until today there is the irrepressible desire to do something for the benefit of humans and animals, their quality of life and health maintenance!

Your Nikolaus
review this product
5 out of 5 stars 6 reviews
Wieder gut atmen! (30.11.2021 - Rudolf)
Ich habe vor einem Monat von meiner Therapeutin NN Schwarzkümmelöl Kapseln bekommen. Sie meinte zur Unterstützung da im Winter vermehrt Keime in Hals und Lunge vorkommen. Kann jetzt wieder toll durchatmen!!
NN Schwarzkümmelöl Kapseln (04.11.2021 - Heike )
Meine Lunge fühlt sich wieder richtig normal an! Spitzen Produkte, gemeinsam mit NN Ling Zhi großartig!
kein Husten mehr (16.10.2021 - Robert O.)
Da ich seit längerer Zeit ununterbrochen huste hab ich mir von meinem Arzt NN Schwarzkümmel Kapseln gegben lassen. Des Weiteren meinte er dass mir zusätzlich NN Ling Zhi gut täten. Siehe da, nach bereits 5-6 Tagen kein Huster mehr... unglaubllche Kombination die beiden Präparate! Kann sie nur weiterempfehlen! LG Robert
Meine freie Lunge... (11.10.2021 - Berni L.)
Sobald es kühler wird merke ich jedes Jahr, dass mein Bronchien stärker beansprucht werden. Den klassischen Spray möchte ich nicht immer (nur im Notfall) verwenden also hab ich nach Alternativen gesucht und bin auf NN Schwarzkümmelöl-Kapseln gestoßen. Ich bin mir sicher, dass es Qualitätsunterschiede bei Produkten gibt, aber dieses hat mich voll überzeugt. Seit ich die Kapseln nehme nimmt die Verschleimung sehr stark ab und ich kann wieder frei atmen! Bin mehr als zufrieden!
Sehr bekömmlich (05.10.2021 - Bernhard H.)
Bei mir verbessern die Kapseln die Verdauung und Allergiebeschwerden. Schwarzkümmelöl soll gut gegen Allergien helfen.
Einfach super! (27.09.2021 - P. Helena)
Ich habe gehört das Schwarzkümmel Öl gut gegen Allergien hilft (in meinen Fall gegen Pollen) und habe Schwarzkümmel Öl von anderen Marken ausgetestet. Die waren aber nicht in Kapseln sondern in der Flasche, somit blieb der unangenehme Geschmack sehr lange auf der Zunge. Dann habe ich dieses Produkt entdeckt, es ist leicht zu schlucken und der unangenehme Geschmack ist durch die Kapseln behoben. Die Wirkung wird von Tag zu Tag besser da ich erst seit neustem genommen habe. Ich kann das Produkt nur weiter empfehlen.
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All prices quoted in EUR incl. statutory taxes but excl. shipping costs. Image rights: Adobe Stock, Nikolaus-Nature.com
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