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for myself / immunity | allergies / NN Vitamin D3 600 I.U.
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NN Vitamin D3 600 I.U.

15 ml | approx. 300 drops
€ 15,90    per unit incl. VAT excl. shipping costs
When the sunny days become fewer, it's time to think about your vitamin D supply. NN Vitamin D3 600 is ideal for maintaining the vitamin D levels you built up in the summer throughout the winter months, or if you are currently undergoing a vitamin D buildup regimen to keep your levels constant.
  • premium quality
  • harmonizing raw materials (high bioavailability)
  • with natural ingredients
€ 15,90    per unit incl. VAT excl. shipping costs
2 - 3 business days delivery time
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  • premium quality
  • harmonizing raw materials (high bioavailability)
  • with natural ingredients
product description
NN Vitamin D3 600 I.U. drops
15 ml | approx. 300 drops

Consistent vitamin D supply in drop form

A sufficient supply of vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and a robust immune system. That is why you should check your vitamin D levels regularly, especially if you spend a lot of time indoors instead of outdoors and in the sun. And vitamin D cannot be sufficiently absorbed through food either.

NN Vitamin D3 600 contains a slightly lower dosage of 600 international units per drop and is therefore particularly suitable for people who want to easily cover their daily vitamin D3 requirements. It is also suitable for people who do not have any specific risk factors for a deficiency, but still want to ensure that they are adequately supplied with vitamin D. If there is a vitamin D deficiency, you should first take supplements such as NN Vitamin D3 2500 I.U. with a higher dosage to compensate for the deficiency. Subsequently, the vitamin D level can be maintained at a constant level with the administration of 600 I.U.

The estimated value for a person's daily requirement is given as around 20 micrograms, which corresponds to around 800 I.U.. Vitamin D3 600 is therefore ideal for supplementing and optimizing vitamin D intake from food.


Vitamin D…
  • contributes to the normal function of the immune system.

  • contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle function.

  • contributes to the maintenance of normal bones.

  • contributes to the normal absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus.

  • contributes to normal blood calcium levels.

  • contributes to the maintenance of normal teeth and has a function in cell division.


vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol 600 I.E. / 15 µg), rapeseed and argan oil, MCT (medium-chain triglycerides)

Recommended dosage

According to the therapist's recommendation or 1 drop daily.

Note: Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children.
product description
NN Vitamin D3 600 I.U. drops
15 ml | approx. 300 drops

Consistent vitamin D supply in drop form

A sufficient supply of vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and a robust immune system. That is why you should check your vitamin D levels regularly, especially if you spend a lot of time indoors instead of outdoors and in the sun. And vitamin D cannot be sufficiently absorbed through food either.

NN Vitamin D3 600 contains a slightly lower dosage of 600 international units per drop and is therefore particularly suitable for people who want to easily cover their daily vitamin D3 requirements. It is also suitable for people who do not have any specific risk factors for a deficiency, but still want to ensure that they are adequately supplied with vitamin D. If there is a vitamin D deficiency, you should first take supplements such as NN Vitamin D3 2500 I.U. with a higher dosage to compensate for the deficiency. Subsequently, the vitamin D level can be maintained at a constant level with the administration of 600 I.U.

The estimated value for a person's daily requirement is given as around 20 micrograms, which corresponds to around 800 I.U.. Vitamin D3 600 is therefore ideal for supplementing and optimizing vitamin D intake from food.


Vitamin D…
  • contributes to the normal function of the immune system.

  • contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle function.

  • contributes to the maintenance of normal bones.

  • contributes to the normal absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus.

  • contributes to normal blood calcium levels.

  • contributes to the maintenance of normal teeth and has a function in cell division.


vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol 600 I.E. / 15 µg), rapeseed and argan oil, MCT (medium-chain triglycerides)

Recommended dosage

According to the therapist's recommendation or 1 drop daily.

Note: Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children.
Ingredients per drop: Vitamin D3 600 I.E. = 15µg 15µg
Based on organic rapeseed and organic argan oil, MCT (medium chain triglycerides)
Supply: approx. 90 Tage
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NN Bonepower®

120 pcs. | capsules
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€ 42,90

NN Hair&Nailrefresher®

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€ 28,90

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15 ml | 2.500 I.E. | approx. 300 drops
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NN Ling Zhi capsules made from spore powder

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€ 49,90

NN Corvital®

120 pcs. | capsules
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NN Hepaguard Pro®

120 pcs. | capsules
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€ 39,90

NN Immunprevent ®

120 pcs. | capsules
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€ 39,90

NN zinc

60 pcs. | capsules
On average, our body needs between 7 and 16 mg of zinc per day. Although this is a very small amount, it is involved in over 300 biochemical processes in the body - a deficiency can therefore manifest itself in many different ways. Older people, pregnant women and vegetarians should therefore keep a close eye on their daily zinc intake.
€ 18,90

NN Vitamin B12 pro

50 ml⎪drops
Vitamin B12 belongs to the group of B vitamins and is a critical nutrient, especially for vegetarians and vegans, as it is mainly found in animal foods. Anyone who eats a meat-free or completely animal-free diet should therefore supplement vitamin B12 with a supplement such as NN Vitamin B12.
€ 29,50

NN Iron vegan

90 pcs. | capsules
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€ 39,00

NN N-Acetyl Complex

60 pcs. | capsules
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€ 39,90

NN Magnesium Complex

180 pcs. | capsules
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€ 33,90

NN Niacin plus

60 pcs. | capsules
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€ 19,90

NN Selenium

60 pcs. | capsules
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€ 16,90

NN Vitamin K

60 pcs. | capsules
If we injure ourselves, the bleeding from a wound stops all by itself after a while and a scab forms. What we take for granted would not be possible without vitamin K in the body. However, vitamin K not only plays a role in blood clotting but, as an ideal partner of vitamin D, is also responsible for the transport of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
€ 28,60

NN Vitamin D3 2500 I.U.

15 ml | approx. 300 drops
In the summer it is easy to get enough sun outside, but in the winter months it is difficult to absorb enough vitamin D. Especially in Central European latitudes vitamin D deficiency in adults is widespread. NN Vitamin D3 provides the body with a daily dose of sunshine - even when it is gray and dreary outside.
€ 22,80

NN Enzyme Complex

60 pcs. | capsules
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€ 46,90

NN Kidspower®

90 pcs. | capsules
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€ 29,90

NN Thyreo pusher®

90 pcs. | capsules
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€ 45,90

NN Spermidin plus

60 pcs. | capsules
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€ 62,90

NN Provitamin A

60 pcs. | capsules
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€ 23,40

NN antioxidant

60 pcs. | capsules
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€ 37,80

NN Minerals

180 pcs. | capsules
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€ 34,40

NN Omega 3

120 pcs. | capsules
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€ 39,90

NN Astaxanthin

90 pcs. | capsules
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€ 47,40

NN R-Alpha Lipon

60 pcs. | capsules
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€ 65,40

NN black cumin oil

180 pcs. | capsules
Black cumin has its origins in the Middle East, where it not only gives many dishes the necessary spice, but has also been an integral part of herbal medicine for thousands of years. Due to its diverse ingredients, this oil is not only a nutrient and beauty booster, but also gives allergy sufferers a greater sense of well-being.
€ 36,30

NN OPC + Acerola

180 pcs. | capsules
Grapes and acerola cherries may be relatively small, but they are packed with power in the form of vitamin C and OPC - oligomeric proanthocyanidins. And we can also make use of these for the human body: Vitamin C is considered a supporter of the immune system and OPCs are similarly powerful antioxidants that form a powerful synergy with vitamin C.
€ 38,40

NN calcium ascorbate

300 g | powder
Sufficient vitamin C is extremely important for the human body. However, many people react to the intake of pure ascorbic acid with stomach and intestinal complaints. With a small adjustment - namely the combination with calcium - vitamin C becomes much more stomach-friendly and easier to digest. In addition, NN calcium ascorbate is more bioavailable.
€ 39,90

NN Ester C plus

120 pcs. | capsules
We learn this as children: Vitamin C is good for us and important for staying healthy, especially during the winter. In fact, in addition to its function for the immune system, vitamin C is very important for the body's energy levels and performance all year round. NN Ester C plus combines a variety of different forms of vitamin C for maximum absorption capacity.
€ 39,90

NN Iron II

120 pcs. | capsules
An adequate supply of iron to the body makes all the difference. In fact, the trace element is involved in more than 150 bodily functions. It is therefore not surprising that an iron deficiency can manifest itself in so many different ways. NN Iron II capsules prevent a deficiency and ensure that the body runs smoothly.
€ 49,90

NN NeuroVital

60 pcs. | capsules
Brainfood generally refers to foods and dishes that provide the human brain with the optimum combination of nutrients to enable it to function smoothly. The group of B vitamins and antioxidants are particularly important for this. NN NeuroVital contains all B vitamins as well as valuable antioxidants and choline for an ideal supply of nutrients for the brain.
€ 25,60


120 pcs. | capsules
Whether at work or at home: in stressful times, you need to be able to rely on your ability to concentrate and your mental strength. However, this only works if the body is sufficiently supplied with vitamins and nutrients. In times when you are under particularly high pressure to perform, TOP@POWER helps you to maintain inner calm and concentration.
€ 49,90

NN Nopal Cinnamon

120 pcs. | capsules
A piece of chocolate after lunch or a glass of wine in the evening with dinner is perfectly acceptable. However, the blood sugar curve often rises steeply afterwards, which is not ideal. It is normal for blood sugar to fluctuate throughout the day, but extreme fluctuations should be avoided. NN Nopal cinnamon can help to smooth out these curves.
€ 37,90
strong immune system & more energy
NN Ester C plus - The all-rounder for your immune system and energy. Optimized for better absorption, gentle on the stomach. Get your boost.
Vitamin D: The sunshine and bone vitamin
Vitamin D is widely known as the sunshine or bone vitamin. Recommendations and pseudo-truths about this nutrient frequently circulate, but what is actually true? It is, in fact, one of the vitamins whose deficiency is widespread globally. This blog post explains what vitamin D is responsible for in the body, who is at risk for deficiency, and how well it can be absorbed through sun exposure, diet, and supplements.
Nikolaus Ludwig

With passion and dedication my team and I develop, produce and distribute exquisite effective micronutrient specialties, with natural pure raw materials, in premium quality for more than 30 years. Experience, competence and trust are three important cornerstones of my philosophy let’s make the world a better place® through NN Passion for Nutrition®!

As a family man, dog and horse owner, I have been intensively involved with complementary therapies since the beginning. My holistic research work always focuses on the needs of people and animals. From my beginning until today there is the irrepressible desire to do something for the benefit of humans and animals, their quality of life and health maintenance!

Your Nikolaus
Nikolaus Ludwig

With passion and dedication my team and I develop, produce and distribute exquisite effective micronutrient specialties, with natural pure raw materials, in premium quality for more than 30 years. Experience, competence and trust are three important cornerstones of my philosophy let’s make the world a better place® through NN Passion for Nutrition®!

As a family man, dog and horse owner, I have been intensively involved with complementary therapies since the beginning. My holistic research work always focuses on the needs of people and animals. From my beginning until today there is the irrepressible desire to do something for the benefit of humans and animals, their quality of life and health maintenance!

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